Correction–the entire market is focused on us as my cheeks burn hotter than the sun. He can't keep up the charade and busts out laughing. I hit him hard with my elbow in the ribs but it doesn't faze him.

"You ass! You dragged me into the middle of the woods, no heads up I needed a bathing suit until we got there! I wasn't naked, that t-shirt was like a dress!" I hiss, man I fucking hate being the center of attention. By now Chris and Xavier are back and grinning along with everyone else there.

Shoot me now.

I throw my hands up in surrender, and they say bye and head back towards the SUV. I sigh, but immediately freeze when I feel someone close behind me.

"I guess that explains why you smelled like him," Chris whispers in my ear. "Next time, bring a suit."

I let out a shaky breath. That simple phrase sends my heart racing–or is it because he was so close I could feel his breath on my neck and ear? I quickly grab my neck and try to sort myself out.

"What else have you been hiding from me, Jess?!" Trish scoffs, planting her hands on her hips. "Skinny dipping with playboy and dinner and secrets with Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome; I know I told you to get out and live a little but I didn't mean all at once!"

I groan and hide my face in my hands. "It wasn't like that at all, and I didn't skinny dip!" Trish doesn't believe me one bit, and Jude looks to be judging me ten ways to Sunday.


That night, my sleep is restless, to say the least. Chris dominates my dreams, though I don't remember much. Much like before there are just flashes, but unlike before Jace and Jude aren't there.

Only Chris.

I spent months picking up the pieces my ex left behind. He was the worst kind of person and delighted in breaking me. I don't even know how he got so much power over me–I didn't even love him. But I swore I'd never let anyone have that kind of control and power over me again.

For two years now, I've had no problems keeping my distance from everyone. I've stayed single and have zero interest in dating. I haven't thought of a man in that way for so long. Even when I was still with my ex, I didn't want him touching me and using me like he did.

And now Chris is haunting my dreams; waking up something deep inside of me that I thought died long ago. I usually cringe when people touch me or get too close, but with him, my heart starts to race and I get a knot in the pit of my stomach.

I don't want this. I finally have my shit together. I don't want to lose control again.

After waking up for the third night in a row from some close dream encounter with Chris, I'm exhausted.

I need some distance, maybe that will smooth things out.

Later that day when Jace texts to set up a pickup time, I say I'm not feeling good so I'll have the order ready for them on the back deck but I'll be lying down. He wishes me a quick recovery and says he'll be as quiet as possible.

At five the dark SUV pulls up. I watch Jace and Chris get out, walk to the back door, then grab their order and pack up before leaving.

Friday, Trish stops by to pick up for the Saturday morning market. I help her load up and tell her I'll be skipping because I haven't been feeling well. She looks at me skeptically, but accepts my lie and tells me to let her know if I need anything before taking off.


Midweek again and I'm still dodging Jace. He keeps trying to call me–I don't think he's buying my excuses. When they show up, he proceeds to knock on the back door which I ignore until they leave.

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