Chapter 12

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Eilly's POV

I dreamed of him since the day he rescued me.. it was magical that time coz all I saw was him with a smooth music.

I promised myself to find him. I mean, my days are limited and I wanna use them not in pain but in happiness.

I thought it would be hard for me to make him notice me but I ask the people around me.. they said Austin Mathews is the best in any thing.. and no one can be as much as him.. hmm so I figure it out, that if I can be as much as him then he can notice me and there.. it all started.

Anyways, its been a year since we live together.. Everyday was a very memorable day, and I treasured it all. I also noticed that my fiancé is very meticulous, he is a very tidy person.. he wants his way to be clean and order but sorry Mister ! I am not, well I don't care.. he also know how to cook but he don't know how to clean a place.. yes he is very tidy.. and it is because he don't use or move it so that he will not clean it. Get it ? Haha .

A year together.. it was not easy, we have many differences that we both settled it, but now on our wedding day.. I can say I'm ready.

Romantic piano chords playing..

It was a simple garden wedding.. I wear a princess cut gown, with a tube lacy top. My stylist also recommended me to wear a floral crown, a bunch of white tulips and baby's breath.. it was so cute. She also let my curly hair down.. The motif was baby pink. As I went down the cartridge, my mom and dad held me.

"Look at me baby, she's getting married" mom was very emotional, while dad didn't showed any emotion but yes they were happy coz I'm in a good hands, with the man of my life.

As we went down the isle I saw the guy I fell in love with. He is tall, white, very masculine and pretty much handsome.. his broad jaws spell his masculinity. His very captivating eyes, made me fell in love with him more and more, thoughts perfectly pointed nose and that mouth watering lips.. Gosh I'm dying to kiss them everyday..

My parents handed me to him. They gave there blessing and heart warming messages.. The mass went out great.. we exchanged vows and rings.. I can believe it, I'm marrying him. God, I'm honored.. thank you so much for giving him to me, its such a blessing .

"I now proclaimed you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride" I looked at his eyes, we was smiling stupidly.. I'm nervous coz we are in front of our family..

"Eilly, please remember all my vows to you coz I love you.. and I'm willing to give you all that i am coz that's the least I can offer you.. my life" then without any ado, he kissed me and there we lived happily ever after :) NO END :'D

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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