Chapter 5

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I was tempted, her fragrance grab my senses. I was also about to close my eyes but I realize she is not like other women that I bed. She is different, she is amazing and I liked her because she can be more than me. I like her even more because she is tough, beautiful and I was hooked by her incredible aura.

We were inches away, I felt guilt for taking advantage. I just grab her and hugged her tight.

" I'm so sorry, it will not happened again."

She looked through my eyes and suddenly her eyebrows met.

"So what do you think of me ? not attractive ? my mouth smell ? What's wrong with me that you... Argg ! forget it, I'm out of here" she went up and was about to get out but I grabbed her wrist.

" Look Eilly, I don't see you as.."

"So you don't see me attractive ? So do you think I'm fat ? or ugly ? " she let go of her hand but I grabbed it again.

" No its not it, I just wanna say that its not the perfect time to.."

"To what ? jezz, just tell me that you find me ugly when I did everything just to look good but still you find me ugly !! I hate.." that's it !! I kissed her, it made her shock but I just closed my eyes and feel the moment of kissing the first girl that I like.

Then I let go, she was still shock. I grab her shoulders and lightly kissed her forehead.

"You talk to much when all I wanna say is that I like you even if your trying your best just to get even with me, even if your very energetic, even if you so annoying sometimes.. and no, your not fat or ugly.. you too beautiful and its not the perfect time for us to do things like this coz if you'll let me, I want it to be special for us... " I saw her blush and she slowly smiled .

"Really ?"

"Of course ! but I have to admit that you annoy me before because your trying your best just to defeat me.. baby, I'm the best.. many tried there best just to be the best but still I'm the best, and I don't want you to be one of my competitor.. get it ? coz you already won my heart.." she shyly look away..

" you think its too early for you to say that..."

"Nope I think God gave me this feeling too late because he was planning to give you to me.. And I know this is a start of something new.."

"Thank you.."

" Just don't pressure yourself I'm not in a rush because I want this to be smooth and real.."

"You don't have to say that coz.. never mind " she smiled as I grab both of her hand.

"Just be yourself coz your incredible just the way I like you.."

" Thank you.." her eyes glitters with happiness and delight, the way I feel to night.

I know its too early to say but what wrong with that, I like her and that's all that matters now.

Against all odds( A LizQuen Story II)Where stories live. Discover now