Chapter 7

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I run to the nearest café to buy water and went back. The court was empty but I found her staring at floor.

" Seems like your skin is back, I think your just tired" I gave her the water.

"Austin, what is your business ?" she asked me with a serious face. I kneeled in front of her and held her knees.

"Well, I.. I owned a shop.. a coffee shop just across Manhattan, that's all."

" Are you sure?"

" Baby, do you trust me ?"

"Of course I do and I believe you.. its just that I hate people who lies In front of me.."

"I promise, I will not break any of that trust from you..Eilly, your important to me and you really matter.. so please.. bear with it." I just hug her tight.

Our days together went out very happy and everyday I'm very excited on what will happened next, I also though of what Jake told me so after lunch I personally went to our business and teach him and right after I went back to school.

There was one time when Eilly and I argued, very much intense. We were having a date at a museum, I waited all day but she never came.. I texted and called her but no response after 2 days of being absent, I sense a war. I ignored her, but I'm not totally mad. My anger just disappear when I saw her. I actually enjoyed seeing her pout, trying her best just to see me smile but I ignored it.. ALL.

" Baby, I'm so sorry. I slept all day and the other 2 days of absent.. really my grandmother arrived from Canada and I have to spend time with her and my phone was gone, please forgive me ? " we were seating at a bench in  the university garden.

" I'm not convinced" I looked away, really ! she called me baby, well that's new.

" What can I do for you to forgive me ?" she held my hand.

"Hmm well, I want you write on a sheet.. hmm I mean on a 10 sheets of paper the things you did on that days.. and right after that, I will forgive you.." I looked at her.

"Okey, I'll do it .." she stood up and left. Wonder what she will do..

Against all odds( A LizQuen Story II)Where stories live. Discover now