"It is not this attendant's thinking. It is the reality of circumstances."

"Is it?" Noble Consort Qi chuckled. "Get off your high horse. No marked woman can marry a dragon. It is against the agreement between Furia and Nevoria."

"Rules are there to be changed."

Li Lian studied this subject.

In the past, the dragons would take Furians for concubines just for their blood. They would have Nevorians ranked high and Furians as abused concubines in their harem. The Furians were there for blood offering for the dragon's heart, but this real reason was hidden by placing a false concubine title on the Furians.

Overtime, Furia voiced against this brutality and insisted for a treaty between the two nations if Nevoria wanted peace. As Nevoria was still small at that time, and not yet an empire, they agreed. But even after that, they would take in Furians as concubines, lie to the world about their true nationality and still use them as servants for blood offerings.

Again, Furia protested, resulting in the agreement getting altered to the statement that the women of the dragons can't be scarred. This prevented the cutting of the women to draw blood, thus if a Furian woman was in the Inner Court through deceptive ways she could still be protected by that clause.

Li Lian was bored with this whole talk, adding on to the fact that she did not like Noble Consort Qi. She was an annoying fly.

"Noble Consort Qi, it is late, so forgive this attendant's hurry to ask, 'What does Her Highness hope to achieve by all this?" She cut the matter to the head.

"That's easy." The tulip grinned adorably. "I hope to achieve friendship."

It was Li Lian's turn to laugh. "What a weird request." Especially considering that she wanted to achieve it through threats. Friendship came naturally between people. "What is the definition of friendship to Her Highness?"

"It would be, 'watch my back and I will watch yours."

That is not friendship. That is using each other. "But why with this mere attendant?"

"I have been watching you, and I think we will fit as sisters." Noble Consort Qi pushed the book to Li Lian, on the desk. "Here. Read this, and come to me when you reconsider."

As Noble Consort Qi stood, Li Lian did the same. She was surprised by the Noble Consort's request, she had no words.

The tulip was walking away when Li Lian posed a question. "It was Her Highness who sent people to investigate this attendant in Yi Yuan under Grand Consort Shu's name. Am I right?" Li Lian remembered the physician assistants that treated her while gossiping when she was sick.

Noble Consort breathed out heavily, her back to Li Lian. "How do you know this?"

"Grand Consort Shu thinks she hallucinated so why would she investigate me? And she is not that kind of person." Her Mistress only had thoughts for Yuwen Hong and herself. She did not think far from these two things. "I know her."

"Maybe, maybe not." Noble Consort Qi continued walking and left.

Li Lian picked the book. If only the woman knew Li Lian detested reading books, she would not leave it. She flipped through the pages and browsed through a random page. The chapter was titled, Distinct Attributes of Furians.

She began to sporadically read, "...their blood can heal... Elites can grow wings... Naturally gifted in arts... Their hair is beauty in their eyes..."

Li Lian covered her mouth to stop yawning. This was a waste of time. She was sleepy, anywhere.

"... cannot eat winged creatures," she read further but the words did not register in her mind.

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