Chapter 42

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Sato's POV

Kaito's Mom and I had a lunch to a restaurant nearby my school. We've discussed a lot of things. She was very very nice and a good mother. While we were eating she said "I will leave Kaito for good. I'll be staying at the US. Please take care of my child"

"yes Auntie but can you atleast tell him that" I said
"I can't after what happened, I don't have the courage to tell him the truth either way he won't listen and probably avoided me so there's no possible way that I could tell him" She said. "I have an idea I saw this new restaurant and I want to take Kaito there. How about I fix things for you" I suggested. "But what for? If he won't even try to listen to me" She said. "Just tell him the truth. For 10 years you left him, he experienced a lot and now is the time for you to have courage!" I said

"You think so?" She said. "you are a mother even though your child grew up strong he still needs a mother figure for him." I said. She agreed and a bit anxious. She gave her contact number in case something happens on the future. I set them up on a restaurant and Boy! They are getting their time. I'm just spending my time on my couch slacking. I really wanted to take Kaito on a date though 😥Then I heard someone knocking on my door.

Could it be? It's KAITO!! I was getting excited so I ran off to open the door. As soon as the door open I felt pain on my balls. I fell on the floor in agony. "That's what you get for meddling my friend here!" Mina said.  Kaito have swollen eyes and clogged nose as if he cried. He was accompanied by Hua to the couch. Meanwhile Mina was blabbering a lot of things.

WOOOOOO BOY! My MAN! hurts so BAD! I was holding my croch while trying to stand properly. I tried to walk to the living room where everyone was hanging. "Why are you guys here?" I asked. I couldn't speak clearly because of the pain. "giving him comfort of course! 💢" Mina pissedly said. "Why do you have to set him up with her mother!" Mina added. "Mina try to calm down a bit" Hua said. Hua walked closely to me then gave me a knuckle head. I was in pain both of my heads

My croch is in pain and now my head has a lump from Hua "You should've at least asked for Kaito's permission" He said. Why am I getting punished all of a sudden? I was just trying to fixed things right though.  I sat next to Kaito and tried to hug him. "Don't be mad at me na pleas please please" I said
Then I felt a pain on my head. My lump has another lump. It was Kaito this time. "I deserve that" I said while in pain."You are not cute!" Kaito said. I felt my heart was shattered😲 "What a jerk!" Mina said
Now I felt like the universe left me. 😰 "Inconsiderate" Hua said.  Now I felt like a total loser😱

I was hit 3 times, did they just came here just to make fun of me? "By the way how did you guys ended up together?" I asked curiously. "Kaito gave us a call to fetch him" Mina said. HE DIDN'T EVEN MESSAGE ME!!! HE HATES ME🤯🤯🤯🤯"I'm sorry for being a jerk" I said. I was on the floor couldn't even look the three of them. It felt like the three gods are judging me 😭 "I'm sorry I won't do it again I promised" I said. Hopefully they buy that.

After that the four of us talked to each other. We've discussed what was happening and what happened.

Kaito's POV  after 3 days on school

Sato was with me, we were sitting at the bleachers while waiting for Mina's team rehearsal. They are testing out the field after they have finished their choreography on the gym. They were having a run through. I whispered at Sato then he gave me a piece of paper. He was smiling at me. After their run through Mina approached us she said "How about a bet"

I was kinda intrigued about the bet so I said "Yes!" then I looked at Sato and he couldn't resist so He also agreed. "Let's have a bet whoever got 1st place on their contest will receive an award" She said. "What's the award though?" I asked. "That would be a secret" She was being mischievous.

Then Hua came with drinks. He gave it to us "Perfect! Now let me explain the mechanics
Whoever receive the 1st place will have a bouquet but the bouquet is not a flower that would be the secret. My butler will be our arbiter so technically I don't know what the bouquet would be" She said

"What about us?" Sato said. That's true what about Hua and Sato? I'm joining the debate competition while Mina on cheer dance competition and the boys in basketball. Both of them are a team"How about MVP" I said. "Good one Kaito and of course there would be a punishment! The person that doesn't have an award will be punished by his or her partner! My butler also prepared some punishment equipments" She said

"Is it painful?" I asked. "Yes! My butler said so" Mina answered. "Now we're talking!" Sato said meanwhile Hua was being quiet and not a single word came out. "Isn't unfair for you guys?" I said worriedly. "No it's OK but when I became an MVP I want a reward from you" Sato said. Mina suddenly knuckle him on the head. His face hit the ground as if she was going to bury Sato alive. "IT HURTS YOU KNOW!" 💢 "OH YEAH! YOU ARE BEING A FERVERT AGAIN" Mina and Sato quarreled again😅

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