Die For You (Oscar)

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Imagine Based On: Heey! Can u make an imagine that Oscar fell in love with a black Brazilian girl in hospital where she's a doctor?? Thank u!! Love u posts!! 💕

B/F/N - Best Friend
L/N - Last Name

"Y/N, you won't believe who just got checked in!" B/F/N said with amazement while having their right hand out and their thumb pointing behind them as they walked into the break room.

"B/F/N, I already saw the poor teenage girl. I can't believe she hurt herself from doing the WAP challenge." you said with conviction and pop a fry with ketchup in your mouth.

"Okay, that's not my fault alright? She's should've stretched before." B/F/N sounding brittle with their arms crossed.


"What? I'm just saying." B/F/N said and her mouth becomes tight-lipped.

"How did you got hired at this hospital?" you questioned as you shake your head in disappointment of your best friend.

"Cause you needed a nurse and I have a masters degree in nursing. Not so hard, Y/N." B/F/N said in a courteous manner.

B/F/N flipped their hair, making you rolled your eyes.

"Anyways, come on! You need to see this!" shouted B/F/N enthusiastically while jumping up and down a bit.

"This must be big news since you're jumping in place." you said calmly and take a drink of your bottle of water.

"Y/N, if you don't get your a*s out of that seat-"

"Okay, I'm coming! Geez." you informed as you quickly clean up your spot from lunch while eating a few more fries in the process.

"Hurry up!" B/F/N said urgently before walking out of the room with a beam on their face.

"I don't get paid enough to do this." you said dryly while walking out of the room with your phone and your half-drunken water.


"In here!" B/F/N said with excitement as they looked at you walking down to them while waiting next to a open room.

"What do you want to show me? This better be worth it because I basically threw away the rest of my lunch from Dwayne's BBQ Joint AND stop my break for you." you abruptly with your arms crossed.

"Well, I'm sorry, okay?" B/F/N apologetically and you roll your eyes. "This is worth it, because you won't believe who's here. After all these years."

"Okay, sure. I'll go with your "little game"" you said doubtfully as you use your fingers to quote.

B/F/N step away from the door and you entered the room with a sudden familiar presence in the room.

You look at the male on the patient's bed shirtless with blood flowing down their chest and abs. It looks like a gunshot.

You look at the males face and you gasped at the sight. It was Oscar Diaz. Bleeding heavily down his face and his eyes fluttering, about to close.

"B/F/N! Why you didn't tell me this earlier! Get Tiana and Ross now!" you reported loudly, making B/F/N jumped in fear and running down the hallway fast.

You quickly put your phone and water on the counter and rush over to him. You rolled up your sleeves and start to put pressure on his chest where he was bleeding.

"Diaz, I got you. I got you." you said with raised eyebrows while putting on the oxygen's mask on his face on with your right hand.

You turn the oxygen's tank on and you turn back to see Oscar breathing heavily through the mask.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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