Mine (Oscar)

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"I'm beat." you said as you walked over to Monse and Jamal after dancing. You sat down between them on one of the outside couches.

You were at a party with your best friends at a 4th of July celebration with the party planned by Ruby, oh course.

"Y'all want drinks?" you asked and Jamal and Monse both nodded and then you got up and went back into Ruby's house through the backdoor.

You walk in and you hear Ruby screaming on the top of his lungs. A moment later, Ruby walked into the kitchen with his phone to his ear.

"We need fireworks! ASAP! I have no idea why they are not here but we need them now! I pay extra to get them on time! They better be here in the next 30 minutes!" shouted Ruby furiously and then ended the call.

"Hey Y/N. What's up?" asked Ruby with a smile acting like he wasn't screaming into the phone moments ago.


"Totally. Need one now. Can you get one for me too?" asked Ruby.

"Oh course." you said happily.

"Great, thank you. They are in the fridge. Meet me and the gang by the bonfire." said Ruby.

"Okay, see you!" you shouted as Ruby left to go outside to the party.

You went to the fridge and grabbed five sodas out until you heard the doorbell ring. You put the five sodas on the counter and walked over to the door.

You unlock the door and you open it to see Oscar in a black thin tee with black jeans and black shoes. He has his signature cross necklace around his neck and his straight face on.

"Hey Spooky. I didn't know you were coming." you said with a smile.

"Hola mami." said Oscar and then you opened the door wider so Oscar could enter the house. After you let him in, you close and then lock the front door.

"What are you doing tonight?" asked Oscar as he followed you into the kitchen.

"Celebrating 4th of July. Why weren't you here earlier?" you asked as you started putting the sodas into your hands.

"Gang stuff." said Oscar and then he started taking the sodas out of your hands.

"Hey, I-"

"I got you." said Oscar and he winked at you and then walked out of the back door.

Once he walked out, you took a deep breath to calm down your heart because it was beating so fast at that moment.

"Girl, chill out. You got this." you said to yourself and walked out of the backdoor.

You walked through people dancing on the dance floor to see your friends laughing and drinking at the bonfire while Oscar and the musicians of the school played some chords.

You walked over to your friends and sat in the middle between them.

"Then I did the Turner classic and won the homecoming game for the school." said Jamal and Ruby rolled his eyes.

"Yes we got it, you made the winning touchdown, now can we talk about something else?" said Ruby and Jamal pouted.

"Jamal, it's okay. I'm still so proud of you." you said with a smile as you looked at him while grabbing your soda.

"Thanks Y/N." said Jamal and you pulled him into a hug.

You and Monse started talking while the boys talked with each other on the outside couch while drinking your sodas.

While you were talking, you didn't realize that Oscar was taking glances at you while playing the guitar.

You heard a melody of a song you know. You turn your head to see Oscar and the musicians playing it and then people on the dance floor start to be pairs of two and dance together.

"Omg, I love this song." you said and start bopping your head and body to the music.

Oscar stopped playing and the musicians kept on playing without the guitar. Oscar got up and then started walking towards you.

"Y/N, I think he's coming to you!" whispered-shouted Monse and made you gain a pink blush.

"Yeah, right." you said and rolled your eyes. Oscar came up to you and Monse.

Oscar without saying any words, he pulled out his hand and put it right in front of you. Monse gasped and you slowly took his hand and he slowly pulled, making you get up.

Oscar walked you to the dance floor and then he spun you that ended up with your chest bumping into his. You looked up and Oscar gave you a grin. He spins you again and it ends you with your back against his chest.

Oscar bent down and got close to your ear.

"Wanna go somewhere?" whispers Oscar in your ear. You looked up at him and nodded.

Oscar still holding your hand, he leads out with you to his signature car.

Oscar lets go of you and then opens the passenger door for you. Once Oscar got in on his side, he turned his keys and turned on the car.

Oscar did a grin and then he drove off with you into the night. A few minutes later, you and Oscar ended up at an open valley.

You looked up and you never realized how many stars were out tonight.

"This is beautiful." you said as you get out of the car by Oscar and then jogs to the center of the valley to look at them closer.

Oscar slowly walked up next to you as he admired your beauty.

You turn your head around to look at him and give a soft smile. Oscar gave you a grin back. He was happy that he got you alone and saw everything about you.

Your hair blows in the wind a bit with your eyes sparkling from the stars with your amazing signature smile. Oscar looked down to the ground and smiled softly.

"What are you smiling about?" you asked as you looked at him with a grin.

"Nothing. You like it?" asked Oscar and you nodded in response.

A silence came between you two as you two looked up at the stars as the fireflies fly around you and the soft breeze that passes.

"Y/N?" asked Oscar and you looked up at him. Oscar was still looking up at the stars.

"I just want to tell you that I like you. A lot. For a while now. You may not think I do but I actually do." said Oscar as he turned your body to face him and look into his eyes.

"Me being the leader of Santos doesn't stop me liking you. You know I don't show emotions to anyone because that makes me look soft. When I'm with you, you make me want to release all of my emotions. So please, can you be mine tonight?" asked Oscar. Your heart was beating rapidly because you thought you were never his type.

"Yes." you said and Oscar immediately kissed you. The first firework went off into the sky.

Oscar started giving you kisses one after another which made a whole new feeling go through your body.

Oscar picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his body. Oscar holds you underneath your legs with your arms and you wrap your arms around Oscar's neck as you continue to kiss him.

Both of you ended the kiss and started to look deep into each other's eyes.

"You're finally mine." said Oscar and kissed you again while fireworks went off into the night sky.

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