14- Bari

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"CAN'T TOUCH THIS, BITCHES!!" I laughed, lifting a barrier around Bartolomeo and I as my fuck face of a master just lounged around while the rest of the humans and devils in the arena began to fight.

Several humans and devils tried to breach my barrier, but I was powerful and just cackled at their week as shit attempts.

Oh, don't me wrong I want to slaughter my green haired master, but then my source of occasional snacks would be cut off.

Bartolomeo the Cannibal is not just some title, the human has actually eaten people.

I know, awesome right? I get all his leftovers!

But, unfortunately, we were not here in that bastard Flamingo human's colosseum to eat.

No, we were here because 'Luffy-senpi's big brother's fruit was the prize for winning!'

Ugh. Gag me with a knife why don'tcha?

Luffy this! Straw Hats that! That's all it is with my fucking fanboy of a master! And now we have to try and save Mera of all devils?!

I fucking hate that flaming dipshit.

Let's see... The last time the two of us knew each other was probably two hundred years or so ago.

You humans may think that's a long time, but for us who have lived lives longer than any being, it's been only a few short years.

We had actually been pretty good friends up until then. What had happened again...?

Oh yeah.

The bitch.

Some female devil showed up and that ruined fucking everything.

We both liked her, but she barely even recognized our existence.

She was a lot older than us, but that didn't matter. The chick was hella fine and probably still is. And it was nice not to be feared by other devils at all times, even if she kept calling us children.

Anyways, the bitch broke apart our friendship (I don't even know if she knew it) and I'm pretty sure Mera's been following her around like a lap dog and trying to get her attention for the past two hundred years.

Me? I got over her the next time I came back from the Abyss.

What was that bitch's name again?



Oh yeah! Feni!

I was pulled out of my head just as a severed limb began flying towards my barrier.

Bartolomeo made a sign and I opened part of the invisible wall for a moment so that the arm looking thing could fly through.

My master snatched it up mid air and lazily knawed off a couple of fingers before throwing the rest back to the multitude of fighting humans.

I grinned and created the illusion of the arm sailing into the fray just as I caught it with teeth as sharp as razors, almost like a dog.

I smiled gleefully around my food as the human blood began to drip down my chin.

I fucking hate everyone, especially humans, but to hell if they don't taste good!

{Bari: Bari-Bari no Mi (Barrier-Barrier Fruit)}

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