87- Question From breezygirl541

329 17 16

Gomu you sexy beast. I find the Grammar thing extremely attractive, just so ya know. Unless of course people are nick picking my grammar. Then hell to the no. I'm always right. That's it. Period. No exceptions. Any way, Gomu out of all the devils which one do you hate the most, (Not Ito!) and which do you like the most? Ah, and what do you hate most about Luffy? And Mera Hun. Your awesome I want to squeeze you cheeks. *sets plate of regular old sushi because I'm broke*


"Sexy beast", you say?

Well obviously you're wrong since I count... At least seven grammar mistakes in your question. And, as you stated previously, you don't like people- and I quote, "nick picking" your grammar.

Now tell me; who is Nick and why are you picking him?


Don't be an ass Gomu! At least she tried giving me good sushi! It's the thought that counts!
*noms sushi*
(~ ^[]^)~ <°)))><


Oh very well. I apologize.

Now, onto the question.

Aside from Ito the devil I hate the most would have to be Gasu since he took part in the creation of the Artificial; therefor indirectly making him the cause of all her suffering.

The devil I like the most is actually a three-way tie between the Artificial, Feni, and Nagi, though I'm sure the Artificial will always be first on that list...


*in between bites of suhi*
You liiiiiike her!


*trying to hide his blush*
Ugh. Just shut up, will you?

Anyway, what I hate most about Luffy is everything.

Enough said.

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