68- Hito

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I like animals.

From the first moment that I could remember, I have always liked animals.

In the Abyss there are no such things as animals, only devils that can take animal form.

So I sorta liked being on earth.

I am happy with my master.

He's a cute little reindeer that thinks it's part human thanks to me.

The other devils in the pirate crew I am a part of don't really pay any attention to me since I'm always in Chopper's body, but that's okay.

I am a shy devil taking the form of a small child because that's how I feel inside! Like a kid!

I haven't been around as long as any of the others, so I don't think I feel the hate for humans quite as strongly.

Gomu and the others tell me that I have the worst of luck. Being named after humans is awful, but Yomi tells me that it's not my fault.

But at least I get to be around animals!


With a sigh, I put down the pen from Gomu's journal and looked down at my sleeping reindeer. I could write this all down later...

Gomu was still awake as I flew past him, so I waved as I made my way onto the grassy deck of the Thousand Sunny.

I wasn't too keen on humans, but I couldn't help but love the boat that that cyborg Franky had made.

Skipping on air over go the railing, I grabbed it with tiny hands and looked over the side in wonder, my brown eyes wide and a smile on my lips.

The human world was a facination of mine.

There was just so much color and diversity! Things that couldn't be seen in the inky blackness of the Abyss!

The other devils don't hate me for liking earth or liking my master because I don't make it as known as Ito does.

I breathed in the salty sea air and sighed in contentment.

"Nice night, huh?"

I looked up at the familiar voice and smiled.


Yomi walked forward to lean on the railing next to me.

No matter how ghoulish and scary he looked, Yomi was my best friend. True, his personality was all over the place, but that's just who he was.

"How's that little reindeer of yours doing?" He asked, staring out at the ocean next to me.

Yomi was the only other devil who knew I liked Chopper and the human world, and he promised to keep it a secret.

"He's good!" I squeaked happily. "What about the um... skeleton?"

Yomi grinned sharply and pulled out a glowing green soul from his pocket. I recognized it as the skeleton Brook's.

"Yeah, he's doin alright. Relatively speaking, that is."

I giggled as he started juggling the soul and tossing it around.

Amongst devils we're outcasts; not hated buy anyone, but not entirely liked either.

Being named after humans and having the ability to bring humans back to life weren't very accepted with the others.

But that was fine.

As long as we had each other Yomi and I would be just fine...

{Hito: Hito-Hito no Mi (Human Human Fruit)}

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