6- Mero

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Everything comes with a price.

Love especially.

That's what I found amusing about my master.

She never once fell in love.

Of course, there's not many to love when you're the ruler of the Isle of Women. (Unless you're a girl who's into girls. Hey, who am I to judge? My name literally means love.)

I- unlike almost every devil (apart from Ito)- did not exactly despise my life in the human world, or my master.

She was a strong, independent human woman. I do respect that, you know.

I would even allow her to bathe in peace, unlike the devils of her two sisters. (You know, I never got around to remembering their names...)

As really the only male in the Isle of Women, I found my existence here to be rather... Oh, what's the word I'm look for?

Relaxing! That's what it was!

I honestly didn't have to work much.

She was powerful in voice and could command attention with her own beauty. I only had to work when she met up with the other Shichibukai.

Turning humans to stone is actually quite a bit of fun.

Oh, but then that Monkey boy and his devil Gomu came along and Boa Hancock grew soft.

My peaceful days and nights were shattered because of those two, and I hated it.

Sure, I'll admit that that Gomu is a looker (I'm bi, just putting it out there), but he just came along and stole my peace.

Suddenly, I wasn't the only male in the Isle.

For a while, there was another devil here... Ope, I believe he was called.

Sure, he looked good too, but he was a bit too sadistic for my tastes. Gomu on the other hand... Well I feel bad that he's contracted to such an idiot... it makes him seem smarter in comparison, at least.

They've been staying in the Isle of Women for two years now, and I'm ashamed to say that I've put off writing my part in Gomu's silly little journal until now; their last day.

So, let me finish this by writing down what I've been meaning to say to him for a while now. (I know he reads these over.)

Gomu, you're sweet, but I'm sorry to say that it will never work out between us. Or masters just aren't compatible, therefore our love will never be.

I'm sorry, my darling. I do hope you get over me some day.

-Your Dearest Mero

{Mero: Mero-Mero no Mi (Love-Love Fruit)}

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