53- Questions (×2) From AquaDragonGirl

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1) This book is so interesting that I can't resist to stop asking questions. This question is for anyone that can answer without being a idiotic jerk (please forgive me for my namecalling, Feni) about it: After reading the visible devil entry, what would you have done after being seen by humans for a while?
2) After being seen by humans for a while, would they still have control over you? When you answer this, please don't be a jerk about it.


Why am I singled out?


'Cuz you a bitch!

Anyway, I don't know about anyone else, but Bartolomeo stared throwing me his leftover human bits, so that's good for me.


Doflamingo and I became even closer! -^_^-


No one gives a fuck, and Luffy kept looking for me afterwards and calling me his... nakama.


Kid constantly yells at me to leave him alone so he can swim, but I never let him! ^~^


Nothing changed because Crocodile is a jackass.

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