Disneyworld (pt. 3)- Bonus Chapter

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Author's Note:

hey everyone. it's currently june 2, 2020.

before we get started, i just want to address the current situation in the world. i know i've been pretty quiet about it; i've been taking time to educate myself (i'm white and i felt like i needed to learn more about it before i tried to make a statement) 

black lives matter. 

if you support all lives matter, you are not wrong in the sense that all lives matter, yet when you support alm, you are invalidating black lives. they are the ones that need support right now. we need to focus on the black lives. 

i'm white, and i know that i will never know what it's like to be a poc in america. i know i have privilege based on my skin color, and i think that it's wrong that i have it easier than others solely based on the fact that i have less melanin in my skin. 

judging someone based on something they cant control (such as race or sexuality) is not, never has been, and never will be ok. 

our country has racism built deep into the roots of it's society, and it will take a lot of work to completely eradicate it. 

i speak to my fellow white folks- you have got to acknowledge your privilege. you have got to call people out if you notice them being racist. you have got to examine your own actions and make sure you are not internally prejudiced against people of other races.

white privilege is real. racism is extremely real. 

again, i am so glad that poc are making their voices heard right now, and i really hope it continues and makes a real difference in our society. 

thanks for reading my rant. to everyone out there: i hope you're all doing well and that you're drinking enough water and staying safe. please try to be kind to everyone you meet. -



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