Chapter Thirty-One

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-Hey you guys. I'm gonna make this go a bit faster, because i dont want this book to be 34 million chapters long and I know yall want to get to the point. We're 31 chapters in and they're still not together. I know. I'm sorry. It'll come soon. Good things come to those who wait, my dears.-

The next day, Harris came in to see me. I kissed and hugged him when he walked in. 

The first thing he said to me was, "You missed my gallery." 

I nodded. "I know, I'm sorry."

"It was really important to me and I really wish you were there." 

I put my hand over his. "Harris, I couldn't have. I was abducted." 

He nodded. 

"Why didn't you even think anything was wrong?" 

"I don't know. I guess I just thought that you had taken my going away as an opportunity to hook up with someone else." 

I frowned. He knew that I would never do that. The real reason was that was what he would have done if I had gone away, and he suspected that I would stoop as low as him. 

I wasn't going to tell him this; he likely didn't even know what his mind was doing. But, I knew. 

Months passed by. Every time I talked to Harris about a wedding date, he said it "wasn't a good time" or that we "had plenty of time to plan." 

When Independence day came, I went to one of Harris's friend's houses. There was a firework show at the park that night that we had agreed to go to if I went to his friend's barbeque. 

However, the afternoon went by, and Harris got drunker and drunker. By the time it was close to sundown, he was so inebriated, I had to heavily help him walk back to his car. 

When I got him to his bed in his apartment, it was already dark. He had passed out. 

I sighed and started heading back to my car. Then, I got a call from Spencer. 

"Hey, Laney, are you busy right now?" 

I sighed. "No, I'm actually not."

"Aren't you at that firework show in the park?" 

"No, I missed it. Why'd you call?" 

"I don't know, I just had a feeling." I heard him sigh. "Well, since you couldn't catch the firework show, we could watch them at your house." 

I smiled and got into my car. "Really, Spence?" 

"Yeah, of course!" 

"I'd love that!" 

"Great! I'll see you soon." 

"Yep!" I smiled and hung up. When I got back to my house, I grabbed some snacks from my pantry and a blanket to sit on. I was setting up the ladder to my roof just as Spencer drove up to my house. 

He got out of his car. "What are you doing?" 

"We're gonna watch them on my roof!" 

"That is not safe." 

I rolled my eyes and grabbed his wrist. "It is. It's not likely that we'll fall off, and if we do, the chance of fatal injury are less than 5%. Have you seen the size of my house?" I laughed. 

Spencer smiled and started to climb the ladder. "Okay." He stopped and looked down at me. "I'm trusting you here, Leroy." 

I climbed up the ladder behind him and spread my blanket out on the slightly inclined rooftop. 

I laid down next to Spencer and watched as the fireworks exploded in the sky. 

I was trying to just enjoy the show, but something was nagging at me and I couldn't stop thinking about it. 

Finally, I said it out loud to Spencer. "Do you think I should break up with him?" 

Spencer sighed and thought for a while. "I think that you should think about how much he really makes your life better." 

I nodded. "I just... I feel so bad; walking out on a marriage with him." 

"Well, you just have to ask yourself: does he make you happy more often than he causes you pain or worry?"

I thought for a while. "I think I'm going to." I sighed. "Its just not how I imagined a life with him would be." 

Reid nodded. "He's selfish and arrogant. You deserve better." 

I sighed and nodded. No matter how much I told myself I loved Harris, it wouldn't change the fact that he wasn't a good boyfriend, he wasn't a good fiance, and he wouldn't be a good husband. 

"I don't want to spend the rest of my life with him," I blurted out. I had felt that way for a while, and I had finally said it out loud. 

Spence nodded. "That's okay. You have got to do what it takes to be happy, and if that means you cut him out of your life, then I think you should do it." 

"You're right," I said. "Thanks, Spence." 

He smiled. "No problem." 

After staying out there and talking about random things for another few hours, we went into my house and had a little bit of wine. 

We turned on the television and, lo and behold, High School Musical 2 was playing. I smiled. 

"Spence, we gotta sing a long," I said. We were both a little tipsy. 

Spencer smiled. "I'm in." 

We spent the rest of our night singing along to high school musical. Spencer wasn't actually that bad of a singer, which surprised me. 

At the end of the night, Spencer fell asleep on the couch. I put a blanket on him and then crashed in my bed. 

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐒𝐤𝐢𝐧 |~𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎𝚛 𝚁𝚎𝚒𝚍~|Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat