Chapter Sixteen

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We sat at the round table, looking through all of the evidence and coming up with nothing. 

Gideon walked in. "Any news?"

Morgan sighed. "We haven't heard from Hotch or JJ. Garcia went through all the names but couldn't find a single report to hang an investigation on."

"We've been compiling preliminary profile thoughts based on the limited victimology that we have," said Reid. 

"Profile? We don't even have this case yet," said Gideon. 

"We just want to be prepared in case we are called in," said Prentiss. 

"We don't have enough other work to do?" 

"Gideon, he's a house cleaner," said Morgan. 

"With 63 potential victims," I added. 

Gideon walked around the table and sat down. "What have you come up with so far?"

Morgan sighed and started telling him everything we knew, which wasn't all that much. 

As soon as Gideon was caught up to speed, Morgan got a call. "Hello? Yeah, we'll be there as soon as we can." He hung up and looked at us. "Hotch wants us in Kansas city." 

I nodded and grabbed my bag as I stood up. Garcia stood in the doorway. "Oh, not so fast, twinkle toes, you get to stay here with me." 

I turned around and faced Reid. "Well, I guess this is where we part ways. Stay safe." 

"I will," he said as he started walking out. He waved at me and I smiled back. 

Garcia grabbed my arm and took me into her room. She pulled up a chair and forced me down into it. "There you go, don't stand for too long." 

I laughed. "Garcia, I'm not that fragile." 

"Angel, I don't want your lung to collapse again." 

I rolled my eyes and looked around at her computer screens. 

"How long would it take for them to get there?" Garcia asked. 

"Out jet flies at approximately 600 miles per hour when its at cruising speed. Kansas City is 1084 miles from Quantico. So, it'll be just under 2 hours."

Garcia nodded. "I love having a human computer." 

"Actually some scientists say that the brain was the first computer ever to exist, due to its ability to multitask and use cognitive skills to identify and make connections-" 

"Ok thank you that's enough," said Garcia. I smiled and looked back at the screens. Suddenly, my cell phone started ringing. "Who is it? Is it a boy? Oh my god did you get a boyfriend?" 

I shushed her and answered it. "This is Dr. Leroy," I said. 

Garcia shook her head. "No, Leroy, that's not how you introduce yourself to a boy," she hissed. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Oh, hello, doctor. I'm glad you finally answered my calls." 

I smiled. "Is this Jordan? From the Superbowl party?" 

"Oh, so you do remember me!" 

"Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls before. I've been... busy." 

"Busy? With what?" 

I looked at Garcia. She raised her eyebrows at me and I shrugged back at her. "Um. I can't really talk right now. I'm at wor-" 

"Yes she can she most definitely can talk right now she's not doing anything," shouted Garcia into the phone. 

I rolled my eyes at her and mouthed, "Thanks."

"Its ok if you can't talk right now. How about you tell me all about it later?" 

I smiled. "Ok." 

"When do you get off?" 

"Umm. Well, you see, I don't really know when I'll be off." 

"You don't? Where do you work?" 

"I'll tell you about it over dinner?" 

"Ok, mystery woman," I could tell he was smiling. "You'll call me, then?" 

"Yeah, I will." 

"You promise?" 

I smiled. "I promise." Then, I hung up. 

Garcia tilted her head and raised her eyebrows at me. "Who was that? Does my little angel have a date?" 

"Its not official. I'm gonna call him when we finish the case." 

She squinted at me. "Are you, though?" 

I laughed and pushed her arm lightly. "Yes, I am!" 

Garcia wiped away fake tears. "I can't believe you're already going on dates." I rolled my eyes. 

For the next few hours, I helped Garcia look up a few random things that the team needed. But, mostly, what we did was watch as every name came up with no records. It was incredibly sad to see so many people go forgotten. 

The night went on. When midnight hit, I asked Garcia, "any updates?" 

"Not really. The team is out on the streets, talking to the homeless." 

I nodded. 

A few minutes later, Garcia got a text and gasped. "They have a guy in custody!" 


"Steven Foster. Morgan found him luring a homeless woman into his van telling her that he was gonna drive her to the park." 

"Oh wow." 

We didn't have more news until morning came, and I'll admit that I dozed off a few times. Garcia let me sleep. I could tell she felt a lot of sympathy toward me after I had been shot. 

When the sun rose, I rubbed my eyes. "Any news?" 

"The guy they caught isn't the unsub. But they think he's involved somehow. I couldn't find much on him."

As I sat there, I felt so useless. I wanted to be interrogating the guy right now, not sitting in a room full of computers and sleeping. I missed being in the field.

Suddenly, Garcia got a call. She put it on speaker. "Hey, Garcia. We caught the guy. He's dead. His latest victim is okay. We'll be on our way home soon." 

I sighed as Morgan hung up. "Is this what it's always like for you?" 

She nodded. "Yeah. But I don't mind. I'd rather be in here than out there, experiencing it all in real time right in front of me." 

I helped Garcia fill out a few reports as we waited for the plane to get in. 

When everyone else got back, nobody went home and we popped some bags of popcorn. Gideon set up his old projector in the round table room and we all watched a Charlie Chaplin movie. 

I pulled my feet up on my chair and watched as JJ threw popcorn at Reid. I laughed when he turned around, frowning. 

Gideon and Hotch were smiling and laughing at the movie. Garcia and Morgan were sitting next to each other, occasionally exchanging loving glances. Prentiss, JJ, and I were all laughing at Reid. 

It struck me as odd that the same room where we saw and dealt with such awful and evil things could be the same room that all of this joy and laughter could take place. 

"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles" -Charles Chaplin. 

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