Chapter Thirty

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I opened my eyes and found that I was tied to the chair again. I was partly relieved because the water torture was over, but I was also terrified for what was coming next. 

Matt came into the room. "Good, you're awake." 

I just frowned and looked at him. 

He was standing at a table, getting something. "I think I'm done with you." He walked over to me and started untying me from the chair. 

Then, he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up. I would have fought back against him, but I was too weak. 

He put his hands around my throat. "You shouldn't have killed my dad." 

His grip tightened and I realized that this was really when I was going to die. 

Just as I was starting to see little white lights, somebody burst into the room. 

"Matt Walters, get away from her." 

He let go of my throat and grabbed his gun from the table. It was being held to my head. 

"I will shoot her."

"If you shoot her, we'll shoot you, just like we did with your father," said Reid, holding his gun up. 

"She shot my father. Not you. She needs to pay, even if it results in my death." 

I was so exhausted and in so much pain, I wanted to die. 

Then, Reid fired his gun, and Matt Walters was falling onto the floor. 

I started to fall; Matt was the only thing keeping me up. I fell into Reid's arms and he held me tightly, putting his arm around me. 

I buried my face into his chest, but the EMTs came and put me on a stretcher. I was getting really dizzy and lightheaded, but Reid was sitting there and holding my hand throughout the whole ambulance ride. 

When I got to the hospital, they put me under anesthesia and I blacked out. 


I woke up to see a doctor hovering over me. I squinted. "Where's Harris? He's my fiance." 

"I'll get your fiance in here in a moment, Ma'm." 

"It's Doctor," I mumbled. 

The doctor came back inside with Reid. "Here he is," he said. 

"Reid? Where's Harris?" 

"I'm not sure. I think his plane was leaving soon from LA." 

I nodded and looked out the window. "I missed his gallery." 

"I'm sure he'll understand." 

I frowned, not feeling as sure as Reid. 

A few moments later, Rossi and Prentiss walked in. 

"How're you feeling, kid?" asked Rossi. I shrugged and gave him a glum look. "I know what you mean." 

Emily sat down next to me and smiled. "You'll be back in the field in a few weeks." 

I smiled. "Really?" 

She nodded. "Mhm. The wounds on your stomach were shallow lacerations and they should heal fairly quickly. Your lungs are weak too, but they'll be ok." 

"That's good." 

Reid rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand. "I'm so glad that you'll be ok." 

"I'm so glad you found me."

Rossi smiled. "Well, we really couldn't have done it without Reid. I don't think we would have even known you were missing; you were supposed to be in LA." 

"Well, I mean, her fiance would have contacted us after she didn't turn up." 

"He didn't," said Prentiss. "I'm not even sure he knows what happened." 

I frowned and looked away. 

"I mean, I'm sure he misses you a lot," said Emily. 

I smiled up at her. "Thanks, Em." I knew she was right. Harris probably didn't even care that I was abducted. 

Then, Garcia, Morgan, JJ, and Hotch all came in. We talked for a while, and then everyone but Reid left. 

I sighed and grabbed the remote, seeing what was on TV. I didn't really care what was on; I just wanted something to fill the silence. 

The first thing that came up was a movie that came out a few years ago. I just left it there. 

Reid smiled. "High school musical 2." 

I looked up at him. "Have you seen it?" 

He shrugged. "I might have watched it." 

I laughed. "I haven't." 

As we watched it, Spencer and I kept making comments, such as:

"Why are they all singing about how much they have to work? They're clearly having a good time singing about it."

"She says she has Turkey imported from Maine, but in order for something to be imported, it has to come from a separate country, but this takes place in New Mexico, so what's up?" 

"Why is he singing repeatedly about how he doesn't dance, but dancing while he does so?" 

Even though we were critical of the movie, we still enjoyed watching it. 

After it was over, a doctor came in, saying that visiting hours were over. I smiled glumly and waved to Reid as he left. He smiled and waved back at me. 

I laid back in my bed and sighed, wondering why Harris didn't even worry about me. 

I honestly thought he loved me, but I was beginning to doubt that. 

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