(5) Minho

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"Hey Y/N, ready to run?" Minho walks up to me and playfully smacks me on the head. 

"Shuckface," I mutter. Then I say, more loudly, "Yeah, let's get going." Minho and I are running partners. I know it's the most cliche thing ever, but I'm in love with my running partner. He, of course, doesn't know. Or maybe he does. Him and many others in the Glade are always "flirting" with me or whatever. Don't get me wrong, they stop when they can tell that I've had enough, but it's so hot sometimes when Minho does it. 

"Y/N, Glade to Y/N" The black-haired boy grabbed your wrist and practically pulled you into the Maze. You had your Runner's Pack, so you were ready to go. 

Once you were in the Maze, it took almost no time at all for yours and Minho's paces to sync. A little while later, you and him stopped for lunch. 

"Ugh, I'm tired." You complained as you took a bite of your ham and cheese sandwich. 

"You're always tired, Y/N," Minho chuckled. It was true though. "Sooo," he continued. You groaned. Minho almost only used that tone when he was about to "flirt" with you. 

"Who's your crush in the Glade?" Minho grabbed his waterbottle as he asked you this. Your cheeks turned red. Obviously, you didn't want to admit that it was him. 

"I'm not telling!" You almost spit out the words. You didn't know how this situation had gotten here. Minho raised an eyebrow, but stopped talking, knowing he'd crossed a line. A little while later, he froze. 

"Y/N," Minho's tone was one he hadn't used before. At least, not with you. 

"What, Minho?" Your voice was tinged with annoyance. You made a mental note to check if you were on your period once you got back to the Glade, because you didn't mean to act like this, it just sort of... came out. You sighed. "Sorry." 

"Y/N!" Minho shouted, diving for you but missing. You turned around to see a huge Griever staring you in the face. Trying to turn, run, grab your pack, and you knives all at once, you panicked and ended up twisting as the Griever injected you with one of its sharp needles. 

"Minho!" You screamed. The world faded and all you saw was darkness. 

+++++(TIME SKIP to when you wake up)+++++

You woke up in the Med-Jack Hut, after fading in and out of consciousness for a long time. Sometimes it was dark, sometimes it was too bright, and you didn't feel good any time. You tried to talk sometimes, but you didn't think anyone was there, or could comprehend your words. 

"She's awake," You hear a British accent that can only belong to Newt. Opening your eyes even more, you see that Minho is immediately standing over you, with Newt sitting in the background. 

"Hey..." Minho says. You try to sit up, but Minho pushes you back down. "Y/N, stay lying down, okay? That's the only way you'll heal." 

"Heal from what?" You rub your eyes, trying to remember a time before the terrible blackness. 

"Oh." You lay back down as memories come rushing back. Minho asking who your crush was, you yelling at him, the Griever. 

"Do you remember what you said? When Newt and I were here. You slipped back into consciousness for a minute, just enough time to say something." 

You close your eyes, trying to remember. When you open them again, your mind was still blank. So you shake your head.

"You said..." Minho trails off, looking at Newt, who had come a little closer to the two of you. 

"Bloody hell Minho, just say it," Newt patted his best friend on the back. 

"You said that.. you loved me..." After finishing this sentence, the Asian boy looks away.

"I do," Your voice is raspy, but Minho hears when you said. 

"You do?" He questions, looking up. When you nod, he continues. "I never left your side. A whole week you were out. I slept here, I just stayed. I looked at your face and prayed to the shuck Creators that you were going to be alright."

You look at Minho with admiration in your eyes. Newt gets up and leaves, to give you and Minho some privacy. 

"I love you, shank." You manage to say this before you break into a round of coughing. 

"I love you too, shuckface." Minho pulls you in for a kiss, and for a second, he isn't his tough exterior, he's just a boy in love. And you're in love too. 

A/N: I am so so so sorry that I haven't updated in forever! I temporarily lost my account but then got it back, but I'm so sorry. Please vote and comment if you liked this (pretty short) Imagine! 

P.S. Shout out to Thomas2921! I'm so sorry that I didn't respond to your messages! Thank you for your support on this book :)

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