Chapter 9: I Have a Question....

Start from the beginning

We purchase the clothes and then head to Applebee’s for a quick meal. After finishing our food, we head over to the nail salon. I got color changing nails and Selena got black nails with the magnetic metallic shimmer thingie. To be honest, I don’t really know what to call it. While walking towards the massage place, I noticed Selena got a text. She quickly turned so I couldn’t see the screen. Huh, that’s weird she usually lets me see her texts.

“Hey Selena, I’m not really feeling the massage place today. I have no aches or pains. Maybe we can go another time.”

“Oh that’s completely fine Chlo, I forgot that I have to put away the groceries anyway.” 

Okay…. That was a little weird.

“C’mon let’s go home Chlo.”

When we got home, there was a car I recognized in the driveway. It wasn’t my mom’s car since she was in Georgia for a business trip. Wait a minute, that’s Brett’s car! What was he doing here?

“Selena, why is Brett here?”

“I don’t know, but we should probably go inside to put our bags and the groceries away.”

I follow her inside and she hands me her bag to take to our room while she unpacks the groceries. When I come back downstairs, I notice that Selena is gone and there is a note at the bottom of the stairs. I pick it up and see that it has something written on it.

Turn to your left, then follow the colored balloons to the backyard

Huh, how did I not notice the balloons before? I do as the note says and follow the balloons. As I reach the last one, I see that there is another note.

Walk out slowly, then turn towards your favorite spot in the yard

My favorite spot in the yard huh, well that’s easy. As I walk out the back door I hear Speechless by Dan and Shay play. I love that song, but why is it playing right now? I continue walking and reach the giant Japanese Cherry Blossom tree in the corner of the yard with the sit or stand swing. When I get there, I see Brett standing under the tree with a guitar performing the song for me. You know how some people get butterflies in situations like these? Well I got at least eight butterfly gardens stirring up excitement inside me. Man, I never knew this boy could sing. He sounds just like the original. Brett finishes the song and I couldn’t stop smiling at him in awe. Just when I thought this couldn’t get any better, Selena comes from behind the tree with a bouquet of white star-gazer lilies and pink camellias. She takes the guitar from Brett and hands him the bouquet of flowers.

“Hey princess” he says as he hands me the bouquet. “We’ve been fake dating for a while and while we’ve managed to fool all of the school, we can’t trick ourselves. I can’t be ‘with’ you and say that I don’t feel anything at all. So I have a question for you, and no I’m not gonna propose. Will you be my girlfriend for real this time?”

“Yes, I’ve been waiting for you to ask that!” He picks me up and spins me around. Honestly there was no better feeling than what I was feeling right now. I know we’re probably acting like we just got engaged but I don’t care, I finally get to be the girlfriend of the boy I love.

“I love you babygirl, so much” Brett says while still holding me up in his strong arms.

“I love you too Brett.” He then lowers me down and takes me by surprise by kissing me. Selena was right, I am so happy I look cute.

“Oh I almost forgot, I got one last surprise inside for you that I think you’re gonna love” Brett says.

“Well what are you waiting for? Take me to it!” I say while pointing a finger towards the house as if to say ‘charge’. Brett chuckles and leads me inside to the kitchen where there are bags of food from Olive Garden calling my name. “You got me my favorite type of food! Now I love you even more!”

Brett laughs “I guess I’m off to a good start then.”

We all sit in the living room and eat the food. Me and Brett side by side on one couch and Selena on the one opposite us. After eating we decided to watch a movie and of course, as clichè as it is, Brett picks a horror movie. I of course don’t handle horror movies well but was too chicken to tell my man. Selena knew I don’t do horror movies and was already looking amused, especially because she loves them. As the movie progresses I get more and more scared. I was already sitting in between Brett’s legs and hid my face in his chest multiple times so I wouldn’t see the screen. I was too scared to scream and didn’t want to ruin the movie for them. By the time the movie ended, Selena was snoring on the couch in a man-spread position with some drool on the side of her mouth. Geez, how does she sleep through this stuff?

“Ooh, 11 already? I should probably get going now. Bye baby, I love yo-”

“No! I mean, can you please stay with me? I’m scared of Travis or Freddy or whatever the heck that thing’s name was. I don’t wanna die!”

“You’re scared? Why didn’t you tell me you didn’t like these types of movies, I would’ve changed it.”

“You did so much for me today that I thought I should let you enjoy this” I say in a small voice.

“Well thank you for that, but I want you to enjoy the movie too. I’ll stay with you for tonight, but I won’t always be able to do this. You gotta tell me when something bothers you, ok?”

“Ok, next time can we watch Tangled? It’s my favorite Disney princess movie.”

“Of course. Should we wake Selena up?”

“Yeah, she’ll be more comfortable in her bed.” Selena doesn’t budge so Brett picks her up and carries her upstairs to her bed. He takes care of my best friend, another reason to love him. He puts Selena in her bed gently and turns to me. 

“Where’s your extra pillows and blankets? I’ll sleep on the floor next to you.”

“I’m not gonna tell you because I don’t want you there” I say while sitting in the bed. “Now get in here with me before I make you climb in.”

“Alright, if you want me to sleep in the bed I will” he says as he takes his shirt and socks off and climbs in. “Are you sure though?”

“Would you relax? We aren’t doing anything, just sleeping.”

“Alright, I just wanted to make sure you were positi-” I shut him up with a kiss.

“Goodnight Brett.”

“Goodnight baby.”

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