Chapter 13 [EXTRA STORY] - The Little Bastard and Kaito's Other Side.

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"Hmm~ I wonder where Kai-kun is? I've been ringing his phone...." Little Len pouted as he pressed the redial button again. He held the device next to his ear and waited as the ringing sound kept on. He clutched his phone and slipped it into is back pocket. He rose his hand in front of the door and tapped the hard wood, peeking through the small glass window on the door to see who was inside. It was quite dark inside with only a little bit of sunshine to please the room. 

Soon enough,  he heard light footsteps rattling against the wooden floor. He watched as the door knob twisted and he prepared himself, his arms ready to glomp on the expected person. "Kai-kuu~n!"

"Who're you?" A rather deep voice resonated and Len opened his eyes to see a a long-haired yahoo. Before him stood a man so tall he had to look up to meet his gaze.

It rather felt awkward that, not only did Len mistake this person for someone else, but to also have hugged a complete stranger. With his arms wrapped around tight and his face planted deep in the person's abdomen. Even when he came into contact with the person, Len took a little sniff of the man (he did it before recognising it was the wrong person). The situation was kind of like when you're in a busy supermarket and, after fetching some objects for your mum or dad, you place the object in the basket or cart and realize.... "Hey... You're not my mother."

Yea.. One of those moments. It was more or less, not only awkward but weird, for the taller latter. 

"I said, who're you?" His voice spoke as he peered down at the little blonde who slowly retracted his arms. The little chilld stepped back and, taking a clearer view of this person, Gakupo realised that this was the little bastard knocking 24/7 on Kaito's door, where he saw him peeking through the windows as he watched from the window of his own house.  "Ah. You."

"I have a name." The blonde former brushed his hair back and fixed his crumpled shirt. "Len. My name is Len." He looked up to the man before him. "And you?"

Gakupo atood, bewildered at the sudden personality change. It was as if the little kid in front of him suddenly became more adult like. From glomping onto someone like a fangirl to an adult ready for an interview. But Gakupo still had questions. "Gakupo." He nudged his chin, as if saying that Len should remember it. And remember it well he should. He closed the door and stood in front of it.

"Now. I apologize for doing such things to you. I had mistaken you for someone." Len briefly looked down on the floor, looking back up to meet a stern gaze to which he flinched a little to. "Is this where Kaito Shion lives?"

"Mmm... Yes. Who are you and what is your business with him?" Gakupo felt more like a bouncer and it felt weird knowing his little angel is sleeping inside. It was as if he was protecting a small but delicate package. Not that he was comparing Kaito as a package.

"He's. . .Well. ." Len took a pause. 

"Hmm?" Gakupo inquisitioned, jerking his head as if to make Len look like a fool.

"He's. . . He's . . " Len hesitated for a moment, "He's my. . .  (boy) friend. Of course." Len dusted himself as if to make himself look even more punctual than he was. 

His jaw wide as his eyes were staring in utter doubt. Gakupo could swear he heard 'boyfriend', to which Len had quickly muttered the 'boy' part. He couldn't help but let a little snort escape. "Umm... E-Excuse me?" Gakupo knows that Kaito could not be with this... boy. 

"Did you not hear?" Len lifted his chin. "I don't he's ever told you. You are his friend, yea?" 

Before long, Gakupo heard noises behind the door. He was sure of it. "Hm?. .  Hold up. ."

"Oi! What the hell?!" Len shouted as Gakupo returned back inside, closing the door in front of Len's face. ". . .bastard. . "

 As Gakupo closed the door behind him, he could hear the ramblings and yells coming from the little blonde guy.

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