Chapter 1- The Call of the Morning

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Kaito awoke to the chirping of the lively city. It was Saturday. No work.

He stretched and yawned at the new morn, with the sun's rays spreading within his room. The sun was nice and bright, too bright for someone who just woke up. Kaito checked his alarm clock that was on his bedside table, and realized it was already past 9.

With tedious movements, Kaito made his way out of the room and slowly shuffled downstairs to the kitchen, stopping at the bathroom along the way. He moved around the kitchen, opening cupboards to take out utensils and items he'd use to cook something.

After preparing his breakfast, Kaito brought his dish of food to the living room where he turned on the TV. He switched through numerous channels, finding no interest in any of them until he stopped at the celebrity network, where interviews were broadcasted and shows of the such.

There he was. In an interview about his new single, Gakupo. He listened to the interview, admiring Gakupo's professionalism. Kaito was watching the replay of the interview.

Taking bites of his breakfast, he eventually finished it, settling it down on the coffee table beside him. He lay, sprawled out across the couch, staring at the TV in wonder and awe. Kaito loved that man. Kaito loved Gakupo. But yet, he thinks that Gakupo has no idea he existed. Even though they're in the same business. He was a big pessimist.

Kaito was a famous singer, an idol to many, an inspiration to several. Kaito looks up to none other than the famous Gakupo. Kaito and Gakupo are always tying with each other when it came to popularity, but Kaito refers to himself as lower than Gakupo. A not so famous singer is what he deems himself.

As he stared at the television ("mostly" at Gakupo) with wild thoughts running through is head, his hand crept in his shirt and started to fondle his nipples. His other hand moved downwards, slipping through the shorts he was wearing, to touch his slowly awakening shaft. As he moved in a more comfortable position, he began to rub up and down his shaft.

Feeling it already from his nipples, he stopped and moved down towards his butt, with his other hand still rubbing his penis. As he got closer to the entrance (or exit?), he began to rub faster and harder.

"Kuh.. Ha..ah" Kaito moaned in pleasure as he fingered himself, starting with one finger then, when he was ready, two.

He had always done this at home, in private. Whenever he saw Gakupo, he would begin daydreaming about the splendid ways they'd waste their time, just the two of them. He would daydream about home and Gakupo going places and mostly doing "things", which then led to him masturbating.

As he enjoyed his bliss, he kept going faster and harder, adding more fingers whenever he was comfortable with the previous amount, until his whole hand was in.

" Ka..ah.. Ugh..Ha...Fu"

His erotic panting filled the rooms along with the dirty sounds of his skin slapping against each other. Outside the house, cars could be heard. The honking of horns, the revving of engines and so on.

Faster, harder and stronger did he grasp on his penis that he was on the brink of coming. Until suddenly.

Knocking could be heard from the front door. Surprised at the sudden cock-block, he removed his hands from the places and cleaned himself. Washing his hands thoroughly and fixing his hair, he walked to the door, ignoring the little voices that were complaining at the suddenness.

When he reached the door he opened it and there he saw...





Thank you to @mariegoris for asking me to continue, without that comment I might've just scrapped this...

So thank you very much! I'm glad someone was their who wanted more. [^-^]

Thanks for reading!

[" Unrequited Lovewill new on hold for a while... Sorry >.<.. I'm trying my very best to balance 4 accounts outside Wattpad... I hope you understand.. And I promise, for the final time, that I WILL update my a stories as soon as possible]

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