As friends

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With tear filled eyes Millie bumped into someone outside Alex and Alexa's house. She was about to apologize when the person she had bumped into rudely spoke.

"Watch where you're going."

Millie glanced at the person and found Mandy glaring at her. Mandy looked away first and started to climb the stairs of the house. Millie followed and watched as Mandy rang the doorbell. After about a minute, Alexa opened the door. 

"Is Alex here?" Mandy asked and Alexa shook her head. "He forgot these on the beach this morning." She held out a pair of sunglasses. 

"Alex is out on a run. He's not here. I can take those." Alexa said. She sounded very tired.

"Fine." Mandy said after thinking it over and handed Alexa the sunglasses. Mandy turned around and left soon after and Alexa turned her attention to Millie.

"Is it Andrew?" Alexa asked and Millie felt her eyes fill up with even bigger tears.

Alexa invited Millie inside and they sat down on the poolside with their feet in the water.

"He doesn't want it." Millie sobbed.

"I thought you had already figured that out?" Alexa asked.

"I did, but a part of me hoped that he would. But he lives in New York and I live here. I've never even been to New York. I'm going to have to do this by myself, like my mom." Millie started crying again.

"I think so." Alexa said in all honesty and hugged Millie. "But, if there's one person who can raise a baby on their own, it's you." 

Alexa patiently held Millie while she cried. 

When Millie had calmed down a bit, Alexa changed the topic.

"Do you remember when we were ten and eleven and you fell in love with that one-summer-only guest?" Alexa chuckled. "What was his name again?"

"Zac." Millie chuckled as she remembered. Zac had been two years older than Millie and it had all started when he accidentally bumped into her and had her drop her ice cream. Millie had cried and Alexa had tried to comfort her by offering Millie some of her ice cream. Zac had stepped up and bought her a new ice cream and Millie had fallen in love with him. As deep as a kid can fall for another kid. 

"Oh, yeah. Zac." Alexa chuckled. "And we stalked him everywhere. You even got Nate to drive us to Hollmark when Zac and his cousins were going there to see a movie." Both Alexa and Millie were giggling by now. 

"That was nothing in comparison to you that year when you, out of nowhere, decided to fall in love with Freddy, because he made you laugh." Millie chuckled. "You almost got Alex's dad to buy a jet so that we could ride with him."

"My presentation about the pros were really impressive. Daniel said so himself a few years later." Alexa chuckled. 

"Are you happy with him?" Millie asked, referring to Alex.

"Never been more happy in my life." Alexa glowed again.

"Then forgive him." Millie said. "He really didn't do anything. Mandy kissed him."

"I already have." Alexa sighted.

Millie and Alexa decided to spend a whole day together, in a few days. Alexa just needed to make up with Alex first. 

Millie walked home. She was exhausted after the long day. She stopped and helped old Mrs. Greene with her groceries, even though she complained the entire time about Millie not working too hard when she was pregnant.

Word had gotten around, so by now, every local knew that Millie was pregnant. Not everyone knew who the father was, and people were speculating.

Mrs. Greene thanked Millie by giving her a piece of her famous  cherry and white chocolate cake. Millie continued her walk home and when she got closer to her house, she noticed someone, sitting on the steps. As she got closer, she realized who it was.

"What are you doing here?" she asked Andrew, who in turn looked up at her. 

"Your mom wouldn't let me in." he sighted and Millie tried to hold back a smile. Andrew noticed and smiled himself. "And your brother threatened to kill me before, so I guess your family aren't my biggest fans." Millie chuckled, and so did Andrew. 

"Before when?" Millie asked.

"When I went looking for you, since we've got a few things to talk about."

"We do." Millie nodded in agreement. "Come." she said and opened the door for him. She lead him to her bedroom and almost laughed out loud at how uncomfortable he looked in her small space. His bedroom in his beach house was three times the size of her bedroom. 

Millie removed the huge pile of clothes she had lying on a chair and Andrew took that seat. Millie placed herself on her bed. None of them knew what to say for a while, but then Andrew spoke.

"When are you due?"


"I want to be here for you, as much as I can." Andrew then said. Millie ignored the flip her stomach did.

"What about your parents?"

"What about them?"

"What do they say?"

"They're mad and disapointed."

"And the girl you're supposed to marry?"

"She's happy."


"Because now she can be with whoever she wants."

Millie thought that over. It could be them. Her and Andrew.

"We live in such different places. And worlds." Millie said.

"True." Andrew said. "But once I graduate, I can move here. Get a job somewhere around, raise the baby with you. As friends."

"What about New York?"

"It's just a city. It will be the same without me. But, I'd like to take you there. I want you to see it." he smiled at her and she yawned in return. "Are you tired?" he asked her and she nodded.

He grabbed a blanket from her pile of clothes and told her to lay down. He tucked the blanket around her and placed himself next to her in bed. She was just about to fall asleep when he whispered.

"I'm sorry." 

"For what?" she whispered back.

"For you being pregnant. I never meant for that to happen."

Millie freed her hand from under the blanket and grabbed his hand in hers. "I know. Neither did I." she whispered back.

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