Find her

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He began his search by going to Millie's mom's store. He glanced inside, but when he didn't see her inside he went to Nate's Place instead. He entered through the front and saw a familiar face. Nate's fiance. He waited by the entrance until he had her attention. Her eyes widened when they landed on him. She turned and by the looks of it, she went to get someone. When she returned, Nate was following her and he looked nothing but happy. Andrew gulped.

"You. Outside." Nate said in a stern voice and pointed at Andrew first and then at the door. Nate stopped just before Andrew and waited for Andrew to move. "Today." Nate added in a sarcastic voice.

Andrew turned and walked outside. He felt Nate's tall frame behind him as he walked. When they were outside, Nate stopped before him and stared at him. 

"You're dead." Nate simply said.

Andrew nodded. He had never been in this position before. His father was one of the scariest people he knew and he had threatened to cut Andrew off a few times when his partying had gotten out of hand. But standing eye to eye with the older brother of the girl that was pregnant with his child, was nothing like he had never experienced before. He put all of his energy into not showing Nate how scared he was.

His mood then changed and he just felt...empty.

"I don't know what to do." he admitted at last, sighting.

Nate's eyes softened slightly. "Sit down." he said and pointed to a bench near by. Andrew put his elbows on his knees and rested his head in his hands. Nate put a hand on his shoulder and Andrew let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

"Firstly you need to figure out how you want to handle the situation. Then you need to find Millie and tell her." Nate said. 

"That's what I was trying to do. Find her." Andrew sighted into his hands. "I didn't mean for this to happen." 

"I know man." Nate sighted.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to make this as good as possible for Millie. I'll come back here as often as I can. I could even move her after graduation and..." he suddenly landed on a plan. He stood up and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Nate shouted behind him.

"I'm going to prove to her that I'm serious." Andrew shouted back over his shoulder. He walked straight to the jewelry store. He walked over to the engagement rings. He looked through every single one of them and realized that he had no idea if Millie would like a simple ring or a big, expensive one. Something told him that she was the simple type.

"Hey man." someone said behind him. He turned around and revealed Alex. 

"Hi." Andrew replied.

"How are things?" Alex asked and studied him.

"I'm about to become a father. I'm confused as h*ll, my parents hate me and I don't really know Millie that well." Andrew admitted. 

"You've got a few months left to do so." That's true, Andrew thought. "Why are your parents mad?" Alex asked.

"There's this family that my parents are really close to. They've got a daughter, Angelica, and both our families wants us to get married."

"An arranged marriage? Isn't that a little old school?" Alex chuckled.

"Our parents are old school. My brothers all got married through arranged marriages."

"Does Angelica want to marry you?"

"No, she's got another boyfriend, Ted. He's in a band. So my parents are mad that I got a "local" pregnant. They want me to convince her to an abortion, but luckily she's too far gone, so that isn't an option. And Millie really wants the baby."

"And you?" Alex asked.

"It's my baby, my responsibility. And Millie seems to be a really great girl." Andrew replied. From what he had seen of Millie, she would be a great mother.

"You know her mom went through the same thing, right?" Alex asked Andrew.


What same thing?

"Her mom also got pregnant with a guy who only came here during the summer."

Come again?

"Really? What happened?" Andrew asked. She never told me that, he thought.

"The guy never returned, his family sold the house and Millie's mom didn't have his number. And Millie's mom named Millie Millie because it was a common name in the guy's family."

Andrew thought back to when he had returned back to New York and Millie had tried calling him. He had ignored the call, because of the guilt he felt towards Angelica, yet freedom over having done something crazy.

"He doesn't know?" Andrew asked, referring to Millie's dad.

"Luckily you do." Alex shrugged. 

Andrew thought about that for a moment. He knew that Millie was pregnant and he needed to do the right thing about that and to be there for her.

"So what are you doing in here?" Alex asked gesturing around the jewelry store.

"I'm buying a ring for Millie. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?" Andrew looked around the store. When talking to Nate, he had decided that he wanted to be around Millie and the baby as much as possible. And since she was in fact pregnant, he should marry her. Right?

"Maybe get to know her first and talk about how you could do this together, since you come from such different worlds." 

Andrew studied Alex for a while. Something was different with him this year. "You used to be really cocky. What happened?"

Alex seemed to think about it before he answered. "I fell in love." He then sighted. "Even though she doesn't really like me very much after last night."

"You can fix it." Andrew tried to comfort him. "You know her better than anyone."

"I can try."

Alex and Andrew parted ways. Each with a girl to win back. Andrew still hadn't found Millie and decided to go to look at her place. 

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