Six weeks later

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*Six weeks later*

For the last six weeks, Millie had been living her usual life. The only changes she had been noticing during those weeks was that she felt more tired than usual and nauseous. And that her favorite shorts were now too small..

It was getting warmer and finally people were beginning to arrive to town. More stores and restaurants opened up to business and the town looked more alive. 

Millie had helped her mom opening up her store and was going over to Nate's Place to get lunch. Just outside she bumped into someone. 

"You alright?" Millie could recognize that British accent from anywhere. She looked up and smiled at the returning Toby Gonzales.

"Toby Gonzales is back." she said instead of answering his question.

"Millie Donovan. With..." he smiled as he studied her. "...darker hair and..." he trailed off when his eyes noticed her small bump.

"The one and only." Millie said, ignoring his eyes in her bump. 

"I'm here to see Nate." Toby was one of the returners. He lived in Boston during the year and had moved there from Birmingham, UK. His grandparents owned a house here that his mother had taken over. In a few years, Toby would own it, all by himself. Toby was the same age as Nate and they used to hang out during the summer before Nate had started his own business and gotten engaged. Toby was known to throw the annual beach party that always ended in some sort of tragedy; broken bones, almost drownings, fights. Luckily no deaths.

"He's in there." Millie gestured for Toby to enter the restaurant. He grabbed the door and held it open for Millie. 

"You swinging by the party tomorrow night?" he asked.

"If I'm invited."

"Nate's sister is always invited." Toby winked at her. He was eight years older than she was and had had his many summer romances, or whatever you would call it. Summer hookups was maybe a better suited word. The only girl that had shut him down completely was Willow Comette. She was only into "older guys."

Millie went to the back of the restaurant, where her free lunch was waiting for her. Toby took a table and began flirting with Bee right away. Poor guy didn't know that she didn't play in that league, but that they instead liked the same thing: girls.

"Toby Gonzales is here." Millie told Nate, who glanced out into the restaurant. Nate whistled and Toby looked up. They did one of those boyish nods to each other and that was that. Millie ate her codfish with potatoes and sauce. When she was almost finished, Nate approached her.

"I need you to do something for me." he said in a low voice.


"Becca's birthday is coming up." In three days, Millie thought. Typical Nate to be a last minute shopper. "I need you to buy her something at the jewelry store. You know what she would like." He had that one right.

"Fine, I'll do it. I have some things to get for mom anyways." Millie agreed.

"That's why you're my favorite sister." Nate smiled and slipped her some money.

"And only." Millie filled in and stood up. She thanked Nate for the lunch and left the restaurant. She went to the jewelry store first, since she figured that it would take the longest.

She looked around at necklaces, bracelets and earrings. She knew Becca's favorite color was ocean blue, "like Nate's eyes". She picked out a necklace with an ocean blue diamond, captured in a ring of small, white diamonds. She paid for it and was about to leave when her eyes landed on a familiar face. 

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the famous Alexa." Millie said and Alexa turned around. Alexa Comette was Millie's childhood friend. She had dark, wavy hair and a really fit body, since she was a dancer.

Alexa studied her and didn't quite seem to recognize her. "Millie?" she finally asked. 

"Yes, I know. I look different now." Millie smiled. "I let my hair grow out and dyed it darker. My mom went crazy when she saw it." It was true. Her mom had gone crazy. It had been an impulse idea and Becca had helped her do it. Though, the result hadn't been the best, so Nate had to drive Millie to her saloon in Hollmark to fix it.

"It's so good to see you." Alexa smiled and embraced her. When she did, she seemed to notice Millie's bump. Millie noticed her watching and wanted to spare her the question. 

"It's Andrew's. You remember him, right?"

"Andrew from New York?" Alexa asked and her eyes widened. 

"Yeah, he was here a few months back with his family, preparing their beach house. Me and Andrew met, and since we were basically the only ones here, we hung out and...well you can figure out what else we did." Millie stroke her bump and smiled. She had heard many horror stories about women having difficult pregnancies, but she herself felt great.

Alexa kept studying her. "Does he know?" Alexa then asked.

Millie's mood fell slightly. "He was long gone when I found out that I was pregnant. I have tried to contact him, but he probably thought I was just hunting him, so he has probably blocked me by now. But I'm keeping it and I plan on raising it, on my own. I don't know when he's coming here, but he is coming. My mom was really mad at me, even though she went through the same thing when she had me. But she did buy the first pair of baby clothes for me."

Alexa smiled, but Millie didn't feel like talking about it anymore, so she changed the subject.

"Enough about me. How are you?" 

"I'm good. I got here yesterday." Alexa glowed, so Millie figured that something in her life was more than good.

"And Alex?" Millie asked. Alex Da Silva was Alexa's best friend since they were born, only one week apart. He was the single best looking guy Millie knew. She had had a crush on him for about seven summers, but when he showed no interest her feelings had eventually melted. Something had always told Millie that Alex was interested in Alexa, but Alexa hadn't seemed to think the same about him.

"He's here and he's well. We're actually dating now. It's still pretty new, but we're happy." Alexa glowed even more now, which made Millie smile at her.  

"About time, I tell you that. I have been waiting for you to say that." Millie smiled. For years, she thought. "Will I see you tonight? At Toby's party?"

"Sure thing. Alex too."

The two talked for a little longer. Then Millie had to excuse herself. She told Alexa that she had some more errands to run, which was true, but she really had to find a bathroom first.

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