We don't stay around the investors long as we have other people to meet and introduce.

We take champagne from the nearby waiter and engage in formal conversation. I did not speak much but offered a few thoughts when asked. I was talking to William about one of our investor when I sensed him but his scent was mixed with a female.

I slowly turned around and saw him standing besides the food table with a beautiful redhead on his arm. His scent which is my favourite suddenly seemed despicable. He sensed me and looked my way.

He seemed surprised and confused to see me standing and casually sipping my champagne. On the outside I looked calm and impassive but inside I was fuming with rage. I wanted to rip that redhead's head of. William noticing me distracted turned around and made an "ahh" noise when he saw Elijah with the girl.

"I think the only person who needs to think about their life tonight is the redhead." William humoured.

I looked at him and raised my eyebrow as if to convey 'seriously?' and I turned again and saw Elijah walking towards me alone but he doesn't make it far before he is interrupted. The girl calls his name and he turns to her.

I don't stay long to hear what they are conversing about, not wanting to go and rip her hand off his arm from jealousy. I make my way to the bar and ask for a stronger drink.

Lycans have a good alcohol capacity so I don't need to bother thinking if I can stomach it.

Just as I was about to down my fifth I am approached by a man. A human."I think five drinks are enough to get drunk. Don't you?". I turn and look at him. He looked good compared to others tonight.

Looking closely, he looks familiar but I couldn't pinpoint where I have seen him before.

"Well?" he asks again making me realise I haven't answered him yet.

"I have good alcohol capacity. Who are you? You look familiar." I can't help but inquire. Alcohol may not make me lose my mind but it does help in loosening up.

"Sorry, I didn't introduce myself. I am Eric knight. You might have seen me in a magazine before. I am a part time model."

"I haven't."

"You haven't?" he repeats and blinks his eye rapidly giving me the impression that he didn't expect my answer.

"Are you sure because even though part time I am quite famous." He asks again.

"yes I am sure. I don't waste time flipping through magazine."

"Wow. That's the first time someone told me they haven't seen me on magazine before."

"Conceited." I said rolling my eyes and ordering myself another drink.

"I think you had enough drinks. A beautiful lady, sitting alone, drinking. You make yourself look vulnerable to every indecent guy here." He says, as if to scare me.

"I think you shouldn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. I am capable of taking care of myself." I say coldly looking him in the eye.

He sees the look in my eyes. I know I scared him. I can see it but he is good at hiding it. The deadly one. William named it as he thinks I can scare anyone to death through my eyes.

"now, get the hell away from here. You wouldn't prefer to be in a vulnerable state now, would you?" I ask him in my over sweet voice.

He gets the hint and leaves me alone. I roll me eyes before getting up and leaving the bar in search of William.

I find him flirting with a young lady and her exaggerated giggles. I roll my eyes and drag him not before giving the girl a fake half smile.

"Ow. Slow down woman. What has you riled up now?" William whines when we reach a corner.

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