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*Song of the day*

The fighting and confronting has taken too much of my energy. Unlocking my door and sitting on my couch all I wished for was a peaceful rest which was long due because of the recurrence of my nightmares. I need time to replenish. My much awaited rest. Not hearing any sound of William in the house made me sigh in relief. Finally I can rest.

"V! You are back ! Where's your honey I am home!" I guess I thought too soon. Sighing loudly I turned to see him descending down my glass stairs. My house looks pretty with semi-glass structure and indoor garden making it look enchanting. It maybe a dream house for anyone but to me it was my demon. I had too many memories of my loved ones here, our times together.

I think I am a masochist, being full-aware of the torture this house brings, those torturous happy memories, I still live here. Truthfully I live here because it is the closest I get to being close. This empty, eerily house is the closest to a home. Home. I don't even remember what it is like to be surrounded by familiar people and their warmth.

Maybe this loneliness is what I need, what I should have after the pain I put them through just because of my hesitation.

"I don't like the look you have right now." William's voice brings me back to the reality. I simply stare at him. He doesn't complain about my lack of response because he knew I have always been like this. Quite, only talking when I wanted to.

"You know what can cheer you up a little bit?" He looks at me eagerly like an excited child on the Christmas day. He frowns when he sees me looking at him indifferently. "C'mon you've got to guess wrong and then I will correct you." he whines like a little child. I don't know why I am even giving into his antic again.

"Enlighten me Will." I sigh out loud. The exhaustion was catching up to me fast and I need to deal with this overgrown man child before going into my bitter dreamless sleeps.

"Take a look at this." he shows me an invitation card excitedly anticipating my reaction. I opened the card to see an invitation to annual ball held by the Kingston family. They were our shareholders and I have only met Mr. Kingston and his son once in the meetings. They are humble people.

"You want me to attend this ball? You do know that I have never showed myself publicly? So what makes you think that I will show myself now?" I like my privacy and always want peaceful day after night full of nightmare which nowadays is everyday so I never showed myself to the public and attended only a few meeting. Having William as vice-president is helpful too as he presides my meeting and appear publicly.

"It's time for you to get out their and show public who is the real reason behind T.D. Corporation's success. I have been covering up for you and I would love to continue doing it but I can't cover up for long. Investors want to see the real owner and they need asssurace." William responded.

"Assurance?" I asked him perplexedly.

"Well you see, Mr. Robin wants to get assured that he is investing with correct people. I don't know how but he heard from someone that you are still in university and he thinks that his money is used for 'a child's desires' his words not mine" he quickly explained when he saw my dark look.

"He thinks like that? Ask the accountancy department for his data and show him that his money is being used correctly and not for 'a child's desire' I don't care what he thinks. If he is not satisfied then ask him to withdraw. He doesn't contributes much anyway" I wave my hand in a dismissive manner.

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