Rylee's Pov

I blocked his way and he was looking at me empty I can't read him but one thing I know he can't let Chad or Brian know that I have said something...

"You can't let them know..." You can literally see that I'm shaking

"Give me atleast one reason..."

"Because Chad and Brain wasn't alone that night! They had someone with them! and I don't know who the fuck was it!" I shouted and I started crying again everything I that happened to me in the past is all coming back from Andrew to Chad and who knows what's next be next my mind blocked those out on my memory not until recently it's all coming back to me now every single thing

"I didn't wanna tell you because he threatened me that if I tell anyone who they are then they're gonna kill all of you..." I sat on the bed

Lisa's Pov

After He left Katherine and I looked at Christina and Dani

"Way you go guys..." That was the only thing I and texted River to check on Rylee and it he managed to make my heart jump when he called me Bb Lili again after a few exchanged texts I saw Katherine getting up and she seems little worried and looked at her phone again and my phone vibrated

Kath: Allison said Rylee and River are fighting over something and she can't handle them anymore... She's in a verge of melting down

I looked at her and she lowkey tilted her head at the door and I got up when Dani and the rest of the girls notice we were leaving

"Where are you guys going?" They asked when Lauren went out the bathroom door after few minutes of crying

"Getting some fresh air after all that just happened Lisa and I deserved a breather" and we left before they can say another word


We arrived at their room and Allison opened the door and I immediately went to River to calm him down and Katherine to Allison when Rylee saw what was happening she smiled bit I know deep down she was dying to have Lauren do the same thing too but all she did was smiled and sat down on the floor while her back leaned on the wall

"Please, I don't wanna lose one of you again Riv, Please..." I heard there tears in her voice and the pain in her words while she beg River to listen to her

"Let's God take care of everything... Don't let their blood be in your hands Riv, This isn't what Andrew taught us..." Alli finally spoke up

"Riv, we all wanna make sure to pay for what they did but not in the way that we are gonna break your morals and dignity for them cause it's not worthy..." Allison added He finall gave in and released the tension... I intertwine his hand through mine and he looked at me

"Do you wanna go out and grab something too eat?" I asked and smiled at him and he noded and we felt

Lauren's Pov

I followed Lisa and Katherine and I saw them went inside the The Flynn's room I lead on the door try to hear what was happening

"Please, I don't wanna lose one of you again Riv, Please..." I can hear her pain and agony in her voice

"Let's God take care of everything... Don't let their blood be in your hands Riv, This isn't what Andrew taught us..."

"Riv, we all wanna make sure to pay for what they did but not in the way that we are gonna break your morals and dignity for them cause it's not worthy..." Alli said when I suddenly heard footsteps so I ran somewhere I can hide when I saw Lisa and River leaving followed by Kath, Alli and the rest of the band leaving her left alone I saw them all going to the elevator the moment I couldn't see them anymore went back to the door I wanted to knocked but something is telling me not too just before I could walk away the door swinged open and there I met the blue eyed girl it's darker than usual but her eyes was roaring with pain and agony I also saw new bruises in her face that is definitely not from earlier, I saw her smiled trying to hide the pain I can't help myself to gently touched her face I smiled back

"Hi... do you wanna come in?" She asked as she swing the door a little bit wider I walk inside and I went I noticed she already have 3 empty bottles of beer

"Don't tell me you drank this all by yourself in just one sitting?" I asked and all she did was looked away knowing in herself that she did


"You want water or anything?" She asked I shook my head I looked away and the next thing I knew we were our face is an inch away

"W-what a-are you doing?" I asked and her notice that her face is a pinkish from and she looked drunk she was staring at my lips and our lips suddenly touched and I didn't kissed her back so she pull away and looked down

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that... it was so stupid of-" I cut her off by sealing our lips once again and she was seeking for entrance and let her in our tongue battled for dominance and I won I pinned and she pinned me on the wall and she kissed my jawline and went down to my neck I titled my head to give her more entrance

"Rylee..." I said she found my sweet spot and I pushed her in the bed and I sat at the top of her I kissed her lips and took my shirt off and kissed her again

BE MY LADY (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now