Two Hearts are broken

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Rylee's Pov

Lauren❤️: Rylee? Talk to me please?
Lauren❤️: I know you saw us kissing but if you stay a bit longer you would have seen me pushed him away
Lauren❤️: Rylee please talk to me I don't wanna lose you

I watch her flood my inbox but doesn't change the fact the they both kissed when I suddenly heard someone knocked the door when I saw Alli and River I looked away

"I don't wanna even talk about it..." I said

"It's okay River told me what happened..." Alli said I looked at him

"Lisa told me to tell Alli what happened..." He defended I just nod my head and just kept looking at my phone that's been vibrating

"You know sooner or later you'll have to talk to her you know that right?" She asked

"I know I'm just not ready yet..." I said when River pat me in the shoulder

"Oh, You guys are coming with me to the tour... More chances for you Alli and better shots for you River you have a rival by the way..." I said he groan softly and hugged me

"Thanks your the best..." River said and Alli join the hugged not after a few seconds when someone knocked on my door

"Hey, your Dad and I was wonder if you wanna come with us the Cimorelli invited us for pool party..." My mom said I smiled and nod they all left my room and I changed into my swimwear which is long sleeve rush guard and I wore my basketball shorts and I went down and everyone was waiting for me and I saw Chantal wearing two piece and I didn't care I held Alli's hand and we all went to the Cimfam house


They were all chatting while I sit there and listened I can feel that Lauren was staring at me

"Guys let's play truth or dare" Chantal said I looked away and I stood up and went to the basketball court and I played

"Your really good..." I heard I didn't look who was it because I knew by the voice

"Atleast there something I'm good at..." I replied not taking off my eyes off the ring I saw her sat down on the bench but I didn't mind

"Hey hotshot!" Chantal said and did the same she sat


After few couple of minutes play I notice that Lauren was shivering I sigh and went to her

"Let's get inside or you'll get sick..." I said

"No, I'm fine just keep playing..." She lied and I know she wasn't gonna stand any moment so I carry her like bride and we went inside and the moment I put her down it was on the bathroom

"Go, wash up..." I said and I was about to close the door

"Wait! Rylee!" I looked at her and tears was verging in her eye

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you... I promise I didn't kiss him back I pull away just like when Chantal kissed you.." She said I gave smiled and closed the door I grab her clothes and lay it down for her I knocked at the bathroom door

BE MY LADY (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now