Flop 2nd Date

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Rylee's Pov

"What do you mean your not going?" He said a million times

"If I go it means I have to continue this fake relationship with her?" I asked

"What we have is real babe!" She said I looked at her in disbelief

"What we have WAS USED TO BE real..." I corrected her I said and I went to my room and slammed the door when my phone vibrated

Lauren❤️: Are you okay you seemed pissed...

Me: I am pissed Laur, Remember I told about the band?

Lauren❤️: Yeah, what about them

Me: They said we are having a tour in a month and we are going to be the opening number for this another band my manager wont tell what band

Lauren❤️: Do you think it's possible that the band your performing to is us?

Me: WDYM? Laur?

Lauren❤️: Well we are also having a meeting with a band and Christina won't tell us who and she said its in the morning and we are not morning person and our band tour is also starting in a month isn't too much coincidence

Me: I guess well have to see tomorrow.. good night Laur, I really enjoyed to night and I haven't been this happy eversince Andrew died...

Lauren❤️: Me too, Thanks for tonight

I opened my Twitter for my last tweet of the day because it's the only way I could connect to my fans as of the moment

Mr.FlyingFlynn: I'm shaking when I'm around you, I'm starting to feel your becoming my kyptonite so please I beg of you don't side with the Luthors because your gonna kill me if that happens


I woke up having a good night sleep I brush my teeth and I wore a leather jacket with vneck white shirt and a rip black jeans with matching boots and a gold chain and a sun glasses and messy bun I went down they looked at me and Chantal drop her mouth and I walked towards her

"Close your mouth or a fly would get in there" I closed her mouth and I said my good morning to everyone

"Someone seemed to wake up in the right side of bed today" River said I messed his hair

"Hey! Lisa won't like it messy" he said and he fixed his hair and I smiled

"You know from what I heard from Lauren is that they are having a meeting this morning and they are not a morning person... Why don't you offer to drive them..." I said and He immediately finished his cereal

"Mom, I'm leaving.." He said and went to Lauren's house I looked at my little sister

"What wrong?" I asked Alli and she sigh

"I just wish I had the same courage that you and River has to ask someone on a date..."

"Do you need me to help you?" She looked at me with a hope in her eyes and she noded and she whispered the name and I opened my eyes wildly and noded

"I'll see what I can do..." I said and she hugged me and we eat breakfast I texted Lauren before leaving the drive way

Me: Off to a meeting can't wait to get it over with 🙄 Miss you already 😍🥺

I felt my phone vibrate and I stop the car because it was red light

Lauren❤️: Aww, I miss you too and oh your brother is driving us do we need to buckle our seatbelt?

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