Which side?

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Lauren's Pov

We heard their Manager sighed, We all looked at him he was massaging his temple while Chad rubbed his neck and Rylee cupped her hand with her face and trying to sink everything in when Chad suddenly spoke

"This all your fault! If you didn't attack me! This wouldn't have happen!" He said is he freaking serious! Rylee was about to speak when Allison did

"If didn't do anything to make her attack you that wouldn't happened!" Allison said when suddenly everyone went silent and we all looked at Allison we never knew she could be this scary

"Playing this same old trick again?" She chuckled and looked at their Manager

"And your gonna agree just like what happened to Emmyn and Andrew? Well guess what? We are not the old Flynn that you can just control us under our neck..."

"After all the shit we've been through... I don't think we could be scared that easily anymore... remember this manners maketh man... so if you wouldn't let him take the blame that he is suppose to take then I'll make sure he does in my way and you won't like it..." Allison said when Chad stood up and mocked Allison

"What are you gonna do? Cry to your brother's tomb? Make sure to film that so the world could pity on you guys?" I felt her hand squeezed so I squeezed back and smiled at her

"TRY. TESTING. MY. PATIENCE. AND. FUN. FACT. MY. PATIENCE. IS. RUNNING. THIN!" She emphasized every word and she sat down and scroll her phone when we suddenly heard a recording

'I'm going out with Lisa Cimorelli now, I just wanna let you know my plan... First I wanna make sure that River never gets the girl He wants by take her I'm gonna touch her tonight and I'm gonna make sure to film it and spread it to the social media and I'll make sure that the River gets the blame and I'll also make sure that Emmyn and Chantal would looklike that they have agreed to this plan now if that ever succeed even Allison and Rylee won't have their girl anymore and once that happened I'm long gone by then I'll be in your arms... Love honey..'

"You son of bastard!" Rylee said and pinned him in the wall with arm and he was choking and running out of breath as for Lisa she was still processing what had happened and I went towards her and comforted her

"Get off!" John said when Allison spoke again

"You guys wanna know who's the girl in the other line?" She said and Chad was trying to get to Alli but River, Emmyn, and Rylee didn't make that happened

'Okay sweetie, I'm sure that would end John's career... Serves him right, All he cares is his work and never spend time with me and once he does he would give me cheap bags and  jewelry or bring me to a cheap restaurant... but with you I feel so special you met everything I need and bring me to this High-end Restaurant and Bars also brought me this  all limited edition bags and jewelry and I cannot wait to see and kiss you babe love!'

The manager was shock and pale from what he heard and he let Chad go...

"Your on you own! Home wrecker" He said and He stepback giving way to the three

"Leave and never come back will release a statement that yout no longer part of the group..." Rylee explained and He ran away and went toward Lisa Rylee sat beside her and River kneel down at the front of her as she was trying to hide her shaky hand and River held her hands

"I maybe a fucking mess and a person that is hard to deal with but I love you Lisa and I will treat you the way you deserved to be treated and that means you deserve to be treated like a queen..." He said and we all gave them time


After few hours the statement was already out and just like how Rylee would thought it would go they decided to put the recording up because She knew He'll keep feeding them with lies and now they have an interviews with media today at their hotel room

Rylee's Pov

"So what can you say about the statement that Chad Gilbert have released?" Asked by a reporter

"First of all I wanna say to the fans is that after they read this they might hate us but we would only give what they needed to hear not what they wanted to hear and maybe after this will be losing a lot of fans I remember what my brother told me that A true fan will always understand the situation that their idols and I'm hoping that you guys would..."


The interview went well and it was finally over but I can see how broken heart John is Emmyn, River, Chantal, Allie, and I looked at each other and we knew what he needed Emmyn and I went to grab some beer at the store when a someone throw a rock at me and I check where it came from and I saw it was a guy and he raised his middle finger on us and I knew her was one of Chad's fans so we decided to walk away when we arrived to the lobby we Lauren and Allie talking when Alli saw my wound in the face she ran toward me

"What happened?" She asked and Lauren immediately grab some first aid

"We encountered some Fans who wasn't happy of what happened to Chad..." Emmyn explain and She nod her head and Lauren came back and She fixed my wound


"Emmyn and I are gonna go see John..." I said and the girls agreed and we grab the beers and left

We arrived at his door and it was open I looked at Emmyn and we slowly open the door and we saw Chad with a gun pointing on John I immediately snap pictures and grab a bottle and slowly grab the door

"Hey we got some beer you want some" I said and the moment he looked at me I smash the bottle in his head that caused him to loss consciousness after that we call 911 after few minutes the police arrived a arrested him with his gun

"What happened to you?" John asked me and I just dodge the question I didn't wanna let him know what truly happened

"Are you okay?" I asked and He nod and we sat down and grab some beer


I got to up on my feet and I looked at them and they passed out and I feel lightweight... I knocked at someone's door and right the moment They opened I passed out

Chantal's Pov

I heard a knock on my door so I went and opened it and Rylee passed out

"Rylee!" I smelled an alcohol and I immediately send her to the bed and sat at the couch and I remember the times when she's drunk we would always share moments everytime but the sad part is that she was drunk and she never can fall for me because I was her brother's girlfriend but little did she knew that she was the one I really loved and not Andrew but our old manger before John was not happy about it especially that the fans wanted Andrew and I not Rylee and I so I had to fake that I never liked her and that we were just friends with benefits when she confessed to me and I knew I broke her heart that night before Andrew and I announced to the fans that we were 'dating' because that's what our old bastard manger wanted and I looked at her and I saw the pain in her eyes that caused to shatter my heart and she was never the same again towards me and even until now I still am inlove with her but she now finally have moved on with someone better then I am... I admit that I made a wrong decision when Chad and I did something together after 2 years of faking with Andrew and I was feeling so lonely in my head I saw Rylee but it was Chad whom I slept with and until now I regret that I lied to her about my feelings I should've told her the truth maybe then we would have worked and I would be the one that she was referring to when she said 'my girl' and I would have been happy... I walked towards her and sat beside her as I watch her sleep I gently rub her lips

"I love you and I have always been inlove with you..." I whispered softly she opened her eyes

"I love you too-" I cut her off and kissed her and she kissed me back and we shared the moment together

BE MY LADY (Lauren Cimorelli)Where stories live. Discover now