Try Again

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Lauren's Pov

It's been days since her nightmare and she's still not talking to me and Lisa was spacing out too while Katherine was smiling on her phone I couldn't take this anymore I went to her house and knocked when Alli opened the door

"Oh hey Laurie! Sup?" She asked

"Can I speak to your sister?" I asked she nod her head and opened the door wider

"She's in her room doing God knows what..." She said I nod and went straight to her room and knocked the door she opened the door I kissed her and pinned her to the wall and she kicked the door I pushed her down in the bed and I locked the door and closed the binder and sat on the top of her and kissed her again she put her hands inside my shirt and she was asking for entrance and I did and our tongues battle for dominance and in the end she won and she sucked my tongue and I went for her bottom lip and we changed positions she now at the top of me and she kissed my jaw and went on my neck and tilted my head to give her more entrance of my neck and I heard her sigh she looked at me and kissed me in the forehead

"We shouldn't be doing this..." She whispered in my ear and stood up and sat on the chair I looked at her

"Do you regret it?" I asked she looked at me and shook her head

"No, but I have to be careful Laur, I got burn once and you can't just come here amd start kissing me you know..." She said and she put her face on her hand and I sat down

"What are you trying to say, Lee?" I asked

"I'm saying is figure it out if you still wanna be with Christian or you want to be with me..." She looked at me and I looked away

"Because I don't wanna crash and burn again..." She added I nod my head and looked at her

"I don't know what I feel but one thing I'm sure of is that I don't love him and I don't wanna lose you..." I said and she looked at me

"Do still see him in your future?" I shook my head I went and sit on her lap wrap my arm on her neck

"It's you who I see.." I said and kissed her all over the face and she smiles and chuckled softly

"Okay okay I get..." She said she looked at me

"Do you wanna try again?" She asked

"I thought you'd never asked..." and she kissed me passionately this time when we heard a knock I got up and she opened the door

"River won't answer his door and we heard something loud at his room" Alli said we all went to River's room

"We have to break the door in order to get it" Rylee said and they did break the door, the moment they get in their we saw him on the bed sitting down holding a letter...

Rylee's Pov

He looked at me and he gave me the letter

Dear Robert Flynn,
I know you don't want to have anything to do with me and the twins that you left me but I'm dying and I need someone to look after my twins I don't wanna be a bother to you but after I got pregnant by you my family didn't want to do anything with the twins and after I die they won't have anyone that's why I'm writing this letter to you please write back as soon as you get this letter and its their 1st birthday today

-Kayla Rank


I laid my head on my palms trying to wrap things up of what's happening we have another twin siblings? I don't know what to say or how to react I cannot hide this feeling anymore I can't pretend anymore I looked at him and he was waiting for my responsed

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