A Treasure Lost

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"BB8 your antenna's all bent" As soon as the little droid rolled out from under the black X-Wing, Sola noticed the abnormality and bent down to fix it without as much as a thought.

"There, all better, careful when you're rolling around under the ships" Sola smiled as BB-8 beeped in thanks, spinning its head in a circle as if to test the antenna.

It was the morning after she'd managed to fall asleep in the D'Qar forest with Poe. The two of them waking up with the sunrise and hurrying off to their bunks before the rest of the base was beginning to wake up. No one else seemed to have noticed their unplanned absence that night, much to Sola's relief at least. She didn't need more rumours. And she definitely didn't want to talk about it with Poe, fearing he'd tease her about it, or worse, shoot down the idea that had formed in her head that the incident, for her at least, had been an intimate one.

"Come to see me off?"

Not intentionally, Sola had totally forgotten that Poe was leaving for a secret mission on his own and had simply been wondering towards the hanger to get to her work for the day.
A lucky coincidence she caught him then.

"You're not taking Black One?" He was walking past his black ship and down the row to an older, unmarked model. She could tell it hadn't been used in a while with the layer of dirt and dust on the roof of the cockpit. Why was he going undercover?

"I love her, but the First Order would recognise her from light years away" He was right, no doubt they hated that ship with how Poe handled himself in it. Not the most inconspicuous ship in the galaxy.

Decked out in his more civilian, casual attire. Something Sola hadn't seen him in much before, helmed tucked under his right arm, Poe looked devilishly handsome in all his glory. As much as he suited the look, and the handsome smile on his face, Sola couldn't help but to feel uneasy.

He was going alone, with BB-8, in a ship no one would notice him in, on a mission she couldn't even comprehend the dangers of. He could die. Not that he wasn't at risk at anytime on any mission, but this one felt different. More urgent, more secretive. She didn't like it, especially since he had no back up.

"W-When can I- I mean, when can I expect my next check up with BB?" The droid in question bumped at its masters legs impatiently and hurried to answer before Poe could even open his mouth.

They laughed in sync, silently answering the question without words.

"Come back alive, Commander, and don't put my favourite droid in the galaxy at risk...please" Sola added leaning down to pat the droid's metal head. He beeped, returning the sentiment "I'm your favourite mechanic? You're making me blush BB".

"I'm not planning on dying anytime soon, Sweetheart" his voice was soft again as he put on his helmet and made his way up into the cockpit.

Somehow...that was enough.

Work distracted her from the overbearing worry in her head. Ever since Poe had left, she wondered silently if it would be the last she ever saw him. He was a good pilot, the best, but he was mortal. He had reminded her of such.

Sola took up any work, all work offered, and even chose to seek out Rose at the end of her shifts to ask if she needed help with anything. She needed it to take up the space in her head, if Sola let herself think about what might happen- she couldn't.

Poe Dameron had crash landed his way deep into her heart. Tore down her defences, destroyed the brick walls and left her bleeding, open. She didn't know how or when, but whenever she thought of the curly haired pilot, his eyes, the way he played with his bottom lip when he was thinking hard, the way he smiled at his droid like they were an inseparable team. The mechanic's heart clenched painfully in her chest. She would let him short circuit her heart any day.

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