Chapter 19

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Third P.O.V
Her body fell on him, Shigaraki was relieved to have her close to him again. He looked into her eyes to see them clouded with drugs, a mist shaded her eyes. He carried Y/n's body bridal style, Y/n now clinging onto Shigaraki.
She's within his care, he doesn't have to worry he thought.

—The Only—

Without a moment to waste, Shigaraki got up from the ground. He knew this was a trap, he didn't have a plan, he just wanted her to stay safe and away from any potential danger.
" Y/n wake up please," Shigaraki says looking at the direction of how he got in. He wasn't thinking about where the entrance was, he only followed the senses that lead him to Y/n. He knew she was in trouble and not by chance.
Suddenly there was an explosion. Shigaraki was thrown back, but decayed the ground in of so he can hold his ground within the ground, Y/n with him. All lights cut off and Shigaraki's hands seemingly begin to tremble to gripe onto the only thing he knows. It was predictable anger slowly draped with fear of the unknown. He had always been prepared, but it took a person to change his whole life in a second. He heard little steps along with the floors, completely alerting his brain that they're all around him. Shigaraki like a tumbling wall fell from the amount of pain he felt from the acid ball on his side. All of his movements were stunned.
Y/n's body hits the ground. A convulsion suddenly grips her body causing her back to arch off the floor. Y/n opened her eyes to only feel the rustling of people moving past her body. She felt the warmth of the atmosphere, so many people in one place. With her failing strength, she places her hand under her and concentrates. She manipulates the energies she found familiar, making Denki's electricity to go crazy. An ability Y/n was new with caused the whole place to light up in to see Shigaraki on the ground.

Y/n P.O.V
My tears ran like a river. 16 years of life have not prepared me for this. To see the person who I was in bed with, the person who held me and protected me, the person who developed feelings for me, the person I want in my life was on the ground, groaning in pain because of me.
" Tie him up now! "

"No!" I cried. Kirishima grabbed me and continued to wrap me in a stray jacket. With my failing strength, her hands were tucked down and restricted movement. " Please stop moving Y/n." Kirishima pleaded as I fought his grip.

" I was told if you were to continue resisting you'd be in bigger chains." My breaths were ragged as I faced Todoroki. He wasn't lying.
" Good job everyone!"

" We finally caught Tomura Shigaraki!" All Might proudly said. The Pro Hero's exclaimed proudly. I could feel my face expressionless. I felt empty and everything was tumbling down. I'm destroyed and exhausted. Did they use me?
I noticed some weren't cheering, unlike Bakugo. Bakugo was sending me a powerful grin. I began to sob, my weight falling to the ground to only have Kirishima catch me. Uraraka runs towards up, touching me and making my weight easier to handle. I felt Kirishima's arms around my body as he was told to. He didn't speak to me.
" Take Shigaraki to the truck for Tartarus."

Suddenly a boom was heard, the place shook. Everyone saw the entrance exploded, seeing Midoriya breathing heavily.

" Someone grab him!" One of the pro hero's yelled.

" Shigaraki doesn't deserve to live." As Hero's attempted to grab Izuku, he fought all with deadly energy.

" Get Y/n out of here now!!" Kirishima began to run with me in his arms, Uraraka behind him. I regained the energy to touch the stray jacket towards Kirishima's direction, causing him to drop to the floor making Uraraka tripping over him. The retainers loosened, causing me to slip out of the stray jacket. I ran towards the fighting crowd, touching the ground to see where Shigaraki's energy was being harbored. I sensed him, bringing me amounts of energy.
I dive under the crowd, attempting to avoid explosions, drops of blood ringing my lips.
I see him. I grab him, pulling him towards me. The crowds were closing in and I felt my body pulse from fear.

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