Lucie pov

I WAS in the room and was now sitting in my chair. I took my wallet and looked at the contents, when I was exhausted without even a coin It was empty. I took the two ointments under my desk which are now empty. That the ointment fell when I was surprised by someone who spoke, So I immediately fed it Mother and looked at the one who spoke.

"Lucie." He called me So .I looked at it.

"Anything I can't help?" I asked here.

"No."sabi Nya .

"Jake ,said you passed out yesterday ."Sambit Nya ulit.

"They say you are neighbor ." Saad Nya ulit .

"Theres no doubt."sabi ko.

"Whe're neighbor" I said So he stopped asking.

"Ok, take good your self." He said to me before returning to his seat.

"The fourth classes in the afternoon are canceled." Heard If Jake said while handing the books He was holding to our classmates.

"You may go home ." He said .

He was on his way to my seat when he stopped in front of me.

"They have some thing in your nose." He said before removing it.

When he left my seat I wiped my nose and then put away my belongings.

Jake and I went out at the same time and went to  where our bike was paraded.

"I'll be in a training camp." He said to me as he adjusted his bike.

"Out of the school.take care." He reminded me. While removing the lock on our bikes.

"I have to go to the hospital." I said while fixing the bike.

"Hypertension, you know." I said to Him again.

"The doctor arranged a re-examination." I explained here.

"Take this." He said. So I looked at what he was holding, then my eyes were bigger than what I saw.

"Where did you get money?" I asked Him.

"Just take it." He said again and ignored my question.

"Tell me, were you got the money ?.": I asked Him again.

"I stole my dad." He said So I frowned when I found out.

"Put it back." I said, as I adjusted the pedal of my bike.

"He won't I know it." He said to me as he tried to put the money in my hand.

"Put it back, now." I shouted at Him.

"You stanned your name!" I said again.

"I did this to you." He said to me. I understand why he did that, he felt sorry for me. That is not enough for him to take money from his dad.

"I don't want it." I protested to Him again. Even though I still need money, it will not be accepted even if it comes from anyone.

"Who do you think you are.?" I asked Him.

"Did I ask a penny for you.?" I spoke to Him again.

"Put it back." I said at the same time give him money. When He does not accept it, I stone him directly in front of Him and then leave. Rude If Rude, even if We are poor. It must come from my own efforts.

Jake p.o.v

When Lucie left, I picked up the money that was now on the floor, I was shaken by what she did, that I could understand what she did. It was also my fault and I was very pushy.

I looked at a pair of shoes I saw right in front of me. I got up and greeted the Person in front of me.

"This is feenders, keeper?" Nicole said to me.

"I'm poor, I'm kidding." SHe said with a smile.

"The contest and the camp ." Sabi Nya.

"How much?" I said while smiling.

"No." SHe said.

"It's not about money." SHe said with a smile, while I was fixing my bike.

"The captain wants to know."salita Nya ulit .

"Who sleep in dorm," sHe said to me again.

"And who like to go home." SHe continued.

"I'll sleep in the dorm," I looked at her.

"Great." SHe said with a smile.

"So you're poor at something . "Sabi ko.

"It's fine ,do you do I."she said

"Do you?" Back If asked.

"Anyway your smart." I said to her as he left.

"Practice that you'll get better," she said to me. We left our place together and left for the camp.

Marie pov

I WAS OUT of campus now when I saw Lucie riding a bike So I followed her Where she was going.

Just a few minutes of stopping at a clinic here. The surroundings were too crowded So He could not see me, he got off the bike and went inside So, I first parked my bike next to it and then It followed inside.

I went back to where I was, I went to earlier, when I saw my former classmates, I immediately got off the bike and easily left.

Lucie pov

I was right now at the clinic, I got off my bike and went inside. I went up the stairs and looked for the Doctor's room that I needed to go to on the second floor.

It's only a matter of time before I can finish it, peek at me before I go inside. I ran easily when I could buy my medicine. I just sat so tired here on the side of the door.

"say cheese" heard If anyone says, So I looked at It, that I was suddenly when I saw Marie in front of me and took a picture of me.

"Look at the desease name" she said and at the same time look at the name at the top of the clinic.

"I can hardly read." He teased and said at the same time looking at me, my tears were already dripping down my cheeks.

Marie pov

I am at school now and I bring good news to my classmates.

"how to read this?" I said to them while showing my palm with a letter.

"I have a secret. Keep it to among." That smile I said to those with me now was surprised by what I showed.

Some one p.o.v

The news spread quickly throughout the campus.

"the doctor said it to me and I've the records." Lisa said to all the students here.

"Listen up ', her mom is weird to'" Anika said it to us. So all the students here in the classroom were still breathing.

"she is doing that job." The students said.

"do you have any idea about what?" one of their classmates sighed.


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