Ethan Nakamura

169 13 1

So let me get this straight.

I do all that work for Kronos then get fall to my death because I did something to rebel against him to save Olympus? Luke did that and went to Elysium. So did Silena.

I got sent to the Fields of Punishment. Every day all day there is a hellhound chasing me down. When it catches me, it tears my guts out and eats me alive, but I never die. I am fully conscious throughout the whole the thing; the next day repeats itself.

My lungs burn like lava is being poured down them because I'm always running. Somehow, eventually, I always trip. Searing pain bounces in waves through my ankle. I roll over onto my back and see the gross hellhound a few inches from my face, growling at me and barking. It starts at my feet and slowly tears me apart working its way up to my head. Every time a limb gets cut off pain soars through my body and I let out a painful scream. I'm sure that people hear me, it's just that no one cares. No one cares about the stupid son of Nemesis.

It's likey no one even noticed I died. Or they did and thought 'oh well, he was a son of some random minor goddess. At least he died and not Percy Jackson' because that's what I would think.

I hate that I was crammed into the Hermes cabin for years just because of my mom. I despised her for giving birth to me.

My favourite part of the day is when the hellhound reaches my head, and everything goes dark and I don't feel pain, just for a few minutes. 

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