Michael Yew

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*Trigger warning: depression*


Everyone thinks I'm dead.

I'm still not sure what happened.

I was fighting next to Percy Jackson, whom I considered a good friend, during the second Titan War. I climbed the bridge so I could have better views of the battle. I notched an arrow when the bridge started to wobble. "Percy! Wait! Stop!" I cried at the top of my lungs, trying to scramble down. He couldn't hear me. "PERCY!!" I screamed. I misplaced my foot and slipped, my head hit the metal beams of the bridge and I fell, holding on to my dear life with only a few fingers.

I was straining trying not to fall. Sweat beaded across my head. I was losing energy, and fast.

He collapsed the bridge I was on to help delay the Titan of Time. I finally lost my grip and fell into the icy water with such impact I was sure every bone in my body was broken, it burned my skin so badly the water felt hot. It surrounded my body. I tried swimming up so I could keep fighting, my body was gone but I wanted to fight by my friends, not sink to the bottom of the ocean, but something was pulling me down further and further. I was screaming for help. Maybe Percy would hear me. I kept being dragged down so fast that I had to curl into a ball to keep my head from falling off. Water was filling every crevice of my body, freezing my insides, it was so cold and dark I was sure I was dead.

I'm still there. I don't know what's happening. This message probably won't even get anywhere but if it does, find Percy Jackson. Help me. I'm going insane, I... I am stuck my thoughts torturing me, it feels like my lungs are completely filled with water but I won't die. Death would be better than this.

The coldness... I'm shivering all the time but no matter what I do I'm still cold. I'm just floating around in an empty abyss. What did I do to deserve this? Does anyone even know I'm gone? I want to give up but I can't. I cry all the time, only wanting to die. My screams will never reach the surface. Why am I here? I was defending my home. Why is that so bad? Am I the only one who is going through this right now?

I don't even want Elysium. I would be okay with the Asphodel. At least there my memories would fade and I would be where I was supposed to be. I'm not supposed to be here.

I can't take this pain anymore but I don't have a choice. I am breathing in water, feeling it fill my lungs. Then exhaling pure heartbreak.

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