ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕀

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Minutes turned into hours, hours turned into days, days to weeks, and weeks to months to years. The three boys grew ever closer as the time flew by; Katsuki, Izuku, and the Dracolin Familiar, Eijiro.

The two human boys at a time taught the dragon the language of the land, and Katsuki willed some magic to the dragon so he could take on a human form. Being in a dragon form forever wouldn't be completely useful nor practical so they deemed it something they needed to do for the beast. Albeit, he would have been able to do it himself when the time came, but the boys were impatient and it inflicted no harm to give him a simple head start.

Now, at the youthful age of sixteen, Katsuki and Izuku looked upon the Dracolin Kingdom. The sunset beautifully gliding down the sky as if it were wet paint on a canvas, light trailing in bright, chromatic streaks behind it. The townsfolk below them scurried about like ants, all rushing about to close their shops and finish the last of their daily business.

Dragons of all shapes and sizes flew across the skies leisurely or in play with one another. The two boys upon the castle wall were easily able to pick out their scaley friend Eijiro. He was tussling mid-flight with another Dracolin Familiar, a strikingly yellow dragon named Denki.

Everything was peaceful in the stereotypically violent kingdom, such beauty was always overlooked, though people seldomly came into the kingdom. Outsiders were always under strict surveillance when they got admittance in for business or on the rare occasion of visitation.

One may wonder, how does Izuku come and go as he likes? Well, Not long after Katsuki's ceremony, the village boy was granted citizenship to the kingdom. The special identification tag he kept with him allowed him in past the guards with no trouble to come to him.

The boy's mother, to this very day, does not know of her son's trips to the Dracolinian Kingdom. He opted for it to remain that way too, as he figured she would try by all means to halt his visits; that was something he wouldn't stand for. Of course, Izuku loved his mother very much, but he got smothered by her worry all the time, to the point where it made him want to escape. So, he did.

The Bakugo family was great with him, he was their other son and they were his other family.

Izuku watched the crimson and vermillion sky and smiled, earning a questioning gaze from Katsuki, though it looked like one of annoyance. "What's with the stupid face, eh Deku?" That nickname always stuck and Izuku didn't mind, but apparently, in ancient Dracolin, it meant something akin to "useless." Even then he sort of thought it fitting.

The grin was merely widened as he thought of his life till now. Katsuki rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the dragon-filled skies.

"What? I'm just really happy. Y'know, with life and how it's turning out." The commoner wrung his hands and kept his smile as they were placed in his lap.

"Yeah, well, once I'm crowned king, your ass is going to work. So don't get comfortable living among luxury forever." Katsuki scoffed, but only out of his own playful way, anyone else would have simply thought he was being abhorrent. The prince stared at the now laughing Izuku, wondering why he found something he said to be so funny. He hadn't said anything particularly humorous in his mind.

Izuku finally caught a breath and replied, "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm gonna be a skilled and trained adventurer who scoops the horse stables for a living regardless, isn't that right Kacchan?" The other boy grinned haughtily and nodded, crossing his arms across his chest with pride, "Besides, I love my life here no matter what I spent my time doing, but I know it won't last forever, so I just like to look back on it really. From time to time."

Katsuki's smile vanished along with the peaceful atmosphere. He turned his head back towards the setting sun with a heavy scowl, "Why do you think like that, all depressing and shit. It's stupid, wanna know why you deku?" Izuku stared. "It's because you can and will live like this, of course, you'll be doing useless crap to match your useless ass but we'll all still be here. Quit talking like the world's gonna end or something's gonna happen to the kingdom because it's not. And if someone tries anything, I'll kill their asses."

(HOLD) 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕡𝕥𝕚𝕔 ℂ𝕣𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕝 | 𝙱𝙽𝙷𝙰 𝙵𝙵Where stories live. Discover now