Put the 'new' in New year!

Start from the beginning

"That's called violation of the right to privacy, Kayla," Penny said while folding her arms.

"I couldn't help it! But I'm just so happy you idiot's finally got together! HONESTLY, It felt like squeezing lemon in the eye watching you two stubborn heads failing to admit that like eachother! Ugh!-just talk about the frustration!" She said.

Penny and I just looked at eachother, back at Kayla then looked away before facing her again, both taken by surprise by the other junior agent's outburst.

"You're exaggerating Kayla, It wasn't that bad," Penny said shrugging.

"You know, I could just ramble about all the times that prove how wrong you are, but even I dont have enough breath for that Pen and that's saying something," Kayla said arms folded

"Fine! I guess your a bit right," Penny said eyerolling. And Kayla smiles triumphantly.

"FINALLY!The girl admits it," Kayla says doing a victory dance before I finally decide to step in.

"But were past that, Kayla" I said stepping forward and holding Penny's hand and Kayla stopped dead in her tracks...

"We're finally...together," I say smiling at my Pretty P and she smiles right back at me.


Okay, maybe I should have thought about that twice before doing it in Kayla's presence....

She quickly snaps a photo afterwards.

"OMG!!! You guys are so cute together!!❤!!!! I'm making this my profile pic, my home screen, my lock screen !!! *gasp* And wait......I.. HAVEN'T EVEN UPDATED MY SPY PLACE STATUS YET!!! FOR THE TWO NEW ADORABLE LOVE BIRDS!!!! SQEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" And with that she rapidly began updating her social media. I wonder how Penny's ears still work with having Kayla as a bestfriend.

"...Is she always like this?"I questioned.

"Yup!-" Penny replied "-and sometimes, it's even worse...."

"Hah! I should've known she hasn't changed from my experience with her as 'Colin'" I said smugly.

Penny smiled at the memory and just nodded her head "Yeah..... not one bit."

And then came the chief.

"Penny! Kayla! What are you doing??!! here's your chance to grab the Mad's number 2! What are you waiting for!!!I hacked into his boots! There's no way he's escaping this time!!!" Quimby commanded.

What did he just say?.... I try activating my rocket boots *kwika kwaka poff poff poff! (forgive me for the terrible noises😅🤣)* Yup! They're busted! That's a bit frightening.

"WAIT! I can explain I-" I tried defending myself.

"Not another word out of you!" He said throwing holo handcuffs at me and surprisingly the food loving chief has good aim.....

"Hello-" He says pulling out a phone "This is chief Quimby, I'm calling backup to come pick up a wanted criminal!-" He said over the phone.

"Nooo!" Penny and Kayla said at the same time.

"He's no criminal! He's the one who warned me about doctor claws destructive plan in the first place!!" Penny said.

"His Uncle like- Kicked him out of Mad for saving Penny! And he's basically been disowned anyway! He's not a villain anymore! He deserves better!!!" Kayla said right after Penny.

"....OKay-" Quimby said putting his phone down and deactivating the holo handcuffs "-I'm listening.." He said quizzically.

"I know Talon has done alot of things in past, chief, But you should really consider something... He came out of his way to warn me of the fatal consequences of doctor Claw's evil plan! Even he knew the impacts it would make! And if it weren't for him! You, me, HQ, all the agents, inspector Gadget and even the surrounding people would've be goners when it blew up! You have to give him some sort of chance!"

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