The magic academy was known for its impressive architecture and lavish decor. It's truly a place for the rich and beautiful. That's probably my why around eighty percent of high class noble children end up there. The other twenty percent usually have no chance at inheriting or were just fighting freaks like yours truly.

Plus, since the majority of students here were the children of merchants or lucky commoners, no one saw much purpose in keeping it well kept.

However, what the academy lacked in luxury, it made up with its expansive training area. Miles of country, all contained within the walls. All of the money put into creating this place was put into sculpting various landscapes. Mountains were created, sand was relocated and exotic plants were imported all to give the students the different expiriences they would need to become the best knight possible. What's the point in having a knight if they can't fight in every situation?

As the carriage pulled up to the front door we passed by a group of kids sparring each other with wooden swords. Mercilessly knocking each other down to claim victory. As we came to a stop their attention was brought to us though. Seeing such a high-class carriage in this place could only mean that someone important was here to visit. Well, it's either that or an impulsive moron wants to become the perfect lady knight for her princess...

Without waiting for the coach driver to fully stop I leapt out of the door, squealing like a pig as I went. I'd held my excitement in all this time but I'm finally here! All my dreams and plans are coming together!

The coachman sighed, used to my antics and began to unload luggage. The stares from the sweaty youths only became more curious as an unladylike lady with a strangely attractive aura emerged, acting like she just arrived at Disney land.

Its at times like this that I wished I didn't have the heroine halo. Is being invisible that much to ask for...? Please my subjects, do not stare! Even though I'm perfect, stunning and flawless I'm human like you!

Yup that's enough self love for today, back to self-deprecating jokes.

I quickly snapped back to reality when a short old lady waddled towards me. She had one of those cute old faces that you just wanna squish, but luckily my self control is godlike. Once she was standing in front of me I could clearly see that she only just reached my shoulders, and I had yet to hit my growth spurt so I was on the shorter side for my age. Not that I get much taller, another cliche by the game developers. If only I was super tall, then I could really impress Lillian by reaching the top shelf for her, or maybe tease her by holding things out of reach just to see her make a frustrated expression to hide her enjoyment.

The little old lady cleared her throat seeing that my mind was wandering,
"Welcome dear to the knights academy. I am one of the heads of this establishment, you may call me Madame Fearal."

She gestured with shaky hands to the worn building behind her,
"This establishment, as you know, will be brutal in shaping you up to be a knight the kingdom can be proud of."

Her cute old lady smile dropped for a moment and coincidentally so did the temperature, I felt a chill run down my spine,
"Don't expect us to go easy on you just because you're a young lady of a noble house."

I gave a nod of determination, trying to shake off the intimidating aura of the little woman. She then looked me up and down before returning to her soft expression and muttering a "good" under her breath.

She turned on her heel and began to show me around the building. She showed me the main areas I'd need to know, where I'd be sleeping, where to wash up, where to eat and most importantly places to sit and think of all my terrible life decisions.....I have a feeling I'll be back there later.

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