Chapter 3- Anay'aa'

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"Hey, new face" Dashuri said with an enthusiasm in her voice.

"Hello,......umm new face"

"So, what's your name" Dashuri asked laughing out loud.

"Myself Anayaa"
Confused Dashuri and me , looked at each other.

"Is this a joke. One second, Anaya is me." I said

"Why are being rude with her."

"O god Dashuri darling I'm not. I just got shocked, a sudden shock..Chill"

"Why were you shocked or are you like those obnoxious people who proudly states, what's mine is mine." She said while rolling her eyes.

"Dashuri we can continue this topic further on our way to home. Till then let's get ourselves introduced to this young lady"

"I was doing that, it was you who interrupted me. Anyways.. So.. hey Anayaa this is Dashuri "

"Hello, nice to meet you both. By the way I'm Anayaa with two 'aa'. Yours?"

"Hahaha...oo.. then I'm Anaya with one 'a'."

She laughed. I mean Anayaa laughed. Whatever she is , my instincts say she is harmful. Ok . My instincts are always not correct but still something is off about her. Or to put it simply I don't like her. She is pretentious that's what the feeling I get. By the time I was making calculations in my mind how this girl is, I heard something which was odd.

"Let's be friends. I would love to know about you more" Dashuri said this.

"Certainly, I mean why not. It will great to be with you guys".

What did just happen ....I'm not able to process the whole thing. Dashuri want to befriend someone. This is certainly not the Dashuri I knew (or probably I thought I knew). Never in the history of my existence I have seen her being friendly with anyone. Not even me.

To be honest I'm quite satisfied she is trying to make friends and try to be a bit chatty. But their is a sudden sting in my heart. Is my Dashuri changing? Is what she said today morning is true? Does she really wants a change in her life ?

I don't know. Predicting Dashuri is not an easy task.


Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈


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