A Festival for Her

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I'm so sorry for disappearing-

This chapter serves mostly as a kind of filler. It is canon. Think of it as a little family bonding~




It was a sunny day and you, as usual, were tending to the garden. 

Sakami was hanging out the laundry while the others were tending to chores inside. Takamoto and Chiba were carrying stray wooden planks out of the temple. Yenko and Hirokiyo were running around the structure, pushing a wet cloth around to clean the floorboards — they seemed to be racing each other and were probably going crash into something. Benshi was washing the dishes and Tomoatsu was organizing food. Sukehara was feeding the koi fish in the pond by pushing the food in while Otokichi was on his usual trip-job-thingy to help out villages and earn some money for the temple.

"[Name], are you almost done?" Sakami had finished hanging out the laundry and turned to you. Your favorite kimono was being hanged to dry, so right now you were wearing a raggedy above the knee *yukata. Since it was summer now, everyone wore them. Your hands, knees, and face were covered in dirt. She blinked upon seeing the mess smudged all over you before shaking her head. She took out a handkerchief, wet it in the *chozuya, and began to rub your face.

"I-I'm mmf! Almosht done." Your words were muffled as Sakami went over your face with the wet cloth. She finished and looked at her work. Your skin was now clear of any dirt and grime, shiny spotlessly in the sun. "Thanks, Nawa-san." She then went to clean your dirty hands

"You've already been living with us for several months now, just call me Sakami." You hummed and held your yukata up, dusting your knees.

"I'm gonna get my haori." You had left it on your futon to keep it from getting dirty.

"You're haori? It's already summer, you don't need to wear that." The older girl reasoned, but she froze when you smiled at her. It wasn't your usual joyful smile, rather a sad one. Your eyebrows were arched upwards slightly and your face held a soft and gentle expression. You turned around and ran inside.

"Why is that haori so special to you?" Sakami whispered to herself, going inside to her shared room to grab a basket and some money.




You were wondering around the marketplace with Sakami, hand in hand. There were many people dressed up nicely, and the area was crowded more than usual.

"Sakami-san, what's going on?"

"Hm... I'm not sure. Let's go ask." She stopped at a stand to purchase fruits. While she was paying, she asked the clerk. "Excuse me, sir, what is going on?" The clerk looked at her in surprise.

"You didn't know? There's a festival being held today!" He exclaimed happily. Sakami didn't react much to the information. She just nodded and removed a few coins from her pouch, dropping them in the clerk's open palm.

"Ah, I see. Thank you." She took her items and led you away, tightening her hold on your smaller hands.

"Should we tell the others?" You stared at her with excited eyes. You and your parents loved festivals. It was some of the very few times where your village got to rowdy. With all the food and games there, as well as the performances that were held, what's not to like?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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