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When You fall in love,

The mist surrounding your bubble

seems clear, seems calm, seems carefree.

You parade around with a wide smile,

Your eyes shine brighter,

Your body ignites with life,

Your heart never ceases to lie still.

All your fears burn into flames

All your insecurities form into icy peaks

All your intruding thoughts condescend into hiding spots.

You dance,

You dream,

You partake,

You love to your fullest brim.

Every day feels like a reel,

unstable, unknown, undeniable, unthinkable.

You swear to keep going

without presuming.

Your soul aches,

Your body arches,

You dive too deep,

Never mapping the way out.

Your bubble weakens,

Every thought and Every memory shared without pause threatens.

What once was a sacred grail,

No longer holds the torch to the light that was once held by you,

only for you.

You trace the sensitive spots

You crave for the want, the need to be one.

You change,

You adjust,

You understand,

You monetize,

You contemplate,

You try, you try...

Every part of you becomes a part of another

Somehow the bubble that once belonged to you,

No longer stays true.

You surrender,

Jaded RealityWhere stories live. Discover now