Can you decide?

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Picture this:
You walk into a place of want, greed, love and happiness and all you have to do is stop and decide, decide the ultimate option, decide the feeling of denial and virtue of contempt, decide the soulless contentions and misled situations, decide the chronic disdain and dreadful tyrants, decide the peaceful outcomes and cryptic tattles, decide the ultimate want and the ultimate need, decide what truly makes you happy and content beyond the realms of hopeless desires, despairs and sanctity... What would you do?

Would you rather place the bet on the people that you willingly choose to keep as an option, to rely on their true virtues for countless scenarios and prudent outcomes, on the self made belief of what you perceive to be the ultimate truth?

Would you scorch the ends of every memory and moment scalded in the depths of your mind and body and heart and cruise over every little detail that truly stayed with you from the beginning till the end, only to scratch over the surface and never really understand their feelings?

Would you place the swords of the delicate tails of every sacrifice made for you to be the scorching hope of true love or maybe there's more to the situation than what meets the eye?

Would you see past your membrane need to handle the situations in ways that could have been a better outcome than to have only thought over the alternatives but never really tried?

Would you break the heart of the one that did everything in their power to show you how much they love you and mean to you, only for you to judge them on the ultimate disdain belief that the future them would never be enough for you?

Would you pursue the delicate reels of how much love was poured out to you that brought you a true place of peace, happiness, love and joy without any expectations or sacrifices?

Would you let go of every nonsensical thought of self belief and righteousness, to accept the love that was before you, holding onto your heart with the last ends of their own hope and sanctity?

Would you place your bets on the present and not fear the future?

Would you choose to not care about others and think and choose your own happiness for once over everything, without the endless ruination of thoughts in your mind that still can't choose between the things that you want and desire the most?

Would you ever truly understand what you want without the constant feeling of everything will never work out?

Would you stop yourself from saying words of hurt and foul only to make the one that truly loves you feel disturbed and emotionally unavailable, to make it easier for you to move past their lives?

Would you rock on your heels of blatant hope, knowing well enough that you were very much part of the ultimate goal but still choose to pretend that you never wanted any of it?

Would you ever stop lying and accept your fate?

Would you learn to face the situations and not runway at the first instinct of all the maybes that circle your mind?

Would you ever learn to unlove the person who showed you the real you and still chose to stay with you, despite all your broken promises?

What would you do?

Can you decide?

Jaded RealityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora