isra and miraj

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 In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds.

. The Compassionate, the Merciful.

. Master of the Day of Judgment.

. You alone we worship; and upon You, we call for help.

. Guide us along the straight path.

. The path of those You have blessed, not of those with anger on them, nor of the misguided.

To proceed :

After the death of his beloved and faithful wife "khadidjah" , and his uncle "Abu talib" ,his ally , the one that was offering Muhammad (PBUH) protection among the people of Mecca , Muhammad has faced rejection and harm from the disbelievers and he couldn't find any one that would support him and offer protection , so Muhammad (PBUH) took his adopted son at that time "Zayd " (before Allah has prohibited adoption ) and they went on their feet to taif which is around 150 km , and Muhammad did so so that the people of mecca will think that he hasn't gone far from mecca , and by took he's adopted and not one his companions , so that they won't know that he's preparing for something , he was 52 yrs old at that time
When Muhammad arrived to taif , he tomd them about his message and asked for their alliance , they mocked him , and made fun of him , and called him liar and stuff like that , then he asked them to not send theirs words to Quraish (ppl of mecca) but they did the exact opposite , they sent words to quraish to tell'em Muhammad is searching for alliance , anyway after spending days there , trying to get them to believe his message , he saw that he was rejected , and they kicked him out , but not peacefully , they made their children and all the ppl of taif form two lines at the borders of the road , and as Muhammad was walking with his son out , they threw them with all sort of things , stoned them , spit of them , cursed them .... They made it out of there , bleeding , Zayd even said that when saw them stoning Muhammad is tried to protect him by forming himself as a shield for him , to a point where he's blood was covering Prophet Muhammad , anyway , they got out of taif and they found an orchard , so they entered in and sat there , and Prophet Muhammad prayed , he made this dua (prayer ) :
Oh, Allah, I appeal to you for the weakness in my strength,
and my limited power,
and the treatment of contempt and humiliation from people.
To you, the most Merciful of all the Merciful ones,
you are the Lord of the oppressed, and you are my Lord
Under whose care are you leaving me to?
To an enemy oppressing me?
Or to a friend you have given control of my affair?
If there is no anger from you on me I will forever be content.
However, your blessing is vastly important for me,
I seek refuge with the glory of your light,
which the heavens and earth are lit form,
your anger will not befall on me,
nor your displeasure descends on me ,
To you is the supplication until you are pleased,
and there is no control or power except by you . and then he sat crying till a boy came up to him , he was working at that orchard and he was sent by the people who owned that orchard to give Muhammad some grapes , the prophet took it and before eating it he said : In the name if Allah , so the boy was confused of what Muhammad said and told him : what is it that you said , we never heard anything like that , so Muhammad told him that god taught him those words and then Muhammad (PBUH) asked the boy about his name and where did he came from , and the boy told him that his name was ADAS and that he was from Iraq , so Muhammad told the boy : "Iraq is the town of my brother Joseph" , the boy was surprised that Muhammad knew Joseph , so ADDAS said :do you know Joseph !? And Muhammad said yes , he's a prophet , and so iam , so the boy started hugging and kissing Muhammad and he accepted Islam , and then the boy left and this time something happened to Muhammad for the first time , this time Gabriel was sent to Muhammad with alongside another angel , it was the first time that the prophet has ever seen another angel but Gabriel , Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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