Chapter 4

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Niall' s P.O.V
Where am I? I'm sure that I was at mine and the lads' house... It's dark in here though so I might just be imagining it. It wouldn't be the first time. I roll over just a little bit in order to get into a more comfortable position.


What on earth is next to my bed? This better not be another one of Louis' pranks because if it is he doesn't know what he's let himself in for. I will get him back, but ten times worse.

Anyway, I need to get out if this room before I can do anything. First things first, I need to figure out what's barricading me in this bed. I slowly guide my hand towards the object I had previously hurt myself on. I don't quite know what I was expecting but I definitely wasn't expecting what felt to be wooden bars surrounding my bed. I sat frozen for a moment thinking of where I could be. However, I put my confusion to the side, there were bigger things to worry about.

I moved on to trying to find a way out. I can't work this out whilst I'm just sitting around. I try standing up like I normally would but it's considerably more difficult and I have no idea why. I eventually found a way to get up. I used the bars for support and slowly pulled myself up. I tried to maintain my balance but it wasn't working. My legs felt weak with the effort of standing. Added with the strange stance I was forced to stand in it was an effort to steady myself. After a few moments of struggling the amount of effort needed tired me out and I collapsed back onto the mattress. But as I fell back onto my bottom, my head tilted backwards slightly. This caused me to hit my head on the bars behind me.

My hands flew up to the back of m head and I coiled up into a tight ball. It really hurt. I'm not proud to admit that I was crying a bit and whimpering ever so slightly but I couldn't help it.

Simon's P.O.V

I wake up to what seems to be someone crying? I'm not quite sure. I'm a bit confused...

"Who else is in the house.....?"

Oh no. How could I forget? I'm already a bad parent and it hasn't even got hard yet! I forgot my own 'son'!

I have to push all of my thoughts aside though because right now I'm the only one who could possibly help Niall. I will just have to prove myself to be better later on.

I quickly push the covers off my body, pausing slightly as the cold air rushes to my body. I shiver slightly but quickly recover.

Once I'm up out of my bed I quickly pull on my clothes on from yesterday that I left on my chair. I will get changed when I get Niall settled. Once that was done I made my way out of my room, down the hall and into Niall's nursery.

I peak inside just to make sure that he is awake before I disturb him. What I see is incredibly heartbreaking. Niall is huddled into a ball in his cot. His knees are pulled right up to his chin, his chin resting on them and his hands are clasped tightly at the crown of his head.

I make my way slowly to the cot so that I don't scare the poor boy more than he already is.

When I reach the cot, I reach out my hand and rest it just between his shoulder blades so that I don't startle him. Once I feel his tense body start to slowly relax I move my hand closer to his hands.

As I get closer to his head he seems to hold his head a bit harder. This puzzles me quite a lot.

When my hand touches his I hear a small whimper but with a few words of encouragement he reluctantly allows me to pry his hands away. Initially I don't see anything wrong with him so i was a bit puzzled, but when my hand grazes over the back of his head he flinched and I can tell he's hurt himself quite badly.

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