Chapter Twenty-Four - Disputes

Start from the beginning

Bradley sat there in silence.

"Alright," Xiao said with a dark laugh. "I see. Because I am born into a lower social status unlike Childe Howell, obviously it wouldn't be too hard for you to associate me with those outlaws and prostitutes - "

"Watch your mouth!" Bradley shouted. 

Xiao laughed even harder. "What? Should I call you King Howell? God?"

"Xiao, calm down. I don't judge people by - "

"By what? Appearance? Social class?" Xiao demanded.

"Neither of those! I only lecture you because you're my brother. And admit it, what you did today was impulsive and unnecessary."

Xiao let out a breath. Bradley was right, of course, on that aspect. He didn't need to get the chicken. However, Bradley was getting angry.

"Are you one to talk about loyalty? What happened to all the times I took care of you! Are you forgetting your roots? Your home?"

"Maybe it's better to not have a home, then," Xiao said. "The past two years, without anyone with me, it was way more pleasurable. And you asked why I avoided you for the past two years? Shirked off your letters? It's because of how insufferable you are."

Bradley's eyes widened in shock and pain and his jaw dropped. Xiao felt that what he said was out of the line but he didn't want to take it back.

"What?" Bradley said quietly.

His show of weakness further prompted Xiao's anger. "Yes, Bradley. Who would want to go around the world with you by their side? I really feel bad for Rose when you marry too. What a life she will have."

Bradley stood up. "Shut up, Xiao! How could you talk to your older brother like this?"

Xiao stood up too. "Bradley, frankly, I don't care for anything. I talk to you how I want."

"Let me tell you, Xiao. Whether you've done those things or not, there are rumours. I've been covering for you - "

"Bullshit! Who would have told mentor of my whereabouts?"

"He found out himself! You think he doesn't watch where you are?"

"Me specifically?"

"He knows how greedy you are with martial arts. He feared you would be spying or doing other things ... "

Xiao shook his head. "Alright, Bradley. I'm off."

Bradley grabbed his sleeve. "Where are you off to?"

"Wherever I want," Xiao said, shaking Bradley off. 

"Fine! Piss off to some cave and declare yourself king! Don't ever talk to us Mount Huai disciples again!"

Xiao huffed. "You think I want to?" He grabbed his bag and a bottle of alcohol, and left the guest house. Bradley didn't come after him. This disappointed Xiao just a little bit. He could have beaten Bradley up if he had done so.

He went around the town and ended up at the temple. Monk Olga saw that his expressions weren't right and let him into an empty room without a word.

"Stay however long you like," Monk Olga told him. Xiao saluted him thanks and sank onto the hard cot. He was exhausted from his argument with Bradley.

It seemed that after almost ten years, they did break apart in the end. 

Xiao was ten years ago again as he sat with his eyes closed. 

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