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Carma and Nala sat in spare room waiting for the test to be done. "Bitch what if we are both pregnant?" Carma asked. "I ain't ready to be anyone's mother" she said biting her nail. "Bitch you wasn't thinking about any of that shit when y'all were fucking." Nala said "I ain't ready for more kids the twins are only 5 months, but it's not like I was trying to prevent it from happening either. I know Chris ass will be happy if I am." The alarm went off and they both walked it towards the tests and they both looked down to see a positive test results. "Wtf Nala wtf I can't believe this shit." Carma said shaking and crying.

"Carma calm down everything will be fine ok! You and Wes been dating for 7 months now. He is a good man, and maybe....just maybe this is God's way of saying it's time for you to settle down. Hell he got out the game for you, you know how long I have been trying to get Chris to leave? I'll wait and still wait until his ass FINALLY leave." Nala said to Carma; Carma just shook her head in tears. "Maybe you are right friend and we aren't getting any younger." Carma sighed and looked back down at the test "imma be somebody mama" she whispered.

As far as Nala goes she can't believe she is pregnant again. She knew it was going to happen just not this quickly, and she knows Christian ass is going to be happy. That's all his ass been trying to do is get her pregnant. He wants a lot of kids and the fact that a fourth mouth is entering the picture is slick scaring Nala. Not because she feels as if they can't provide, because they can it's the people wanting Christian's head. Which puts another life in danger she looked down at her test deep in thought.

Carma touched Nala's arm which made her jump she forgot her friend was there. "Friend we are in this together ok?" Nala smiled and gave her friend a tight hug. "Bitch I just thought of something every time I do a fucking test with your ass it's always positive. Remind me not to do no more damn test around your ass." Nala said, they both looked at each other, and burst out laughing. Carma shook her head and said "it's still going to be positive without me hoe let's go eat I am starving, and since I am pregnant I guess I can start trying to build a home from scratch. Have you all ever thought about that?" Carma asked "yea we have talked about it, but we wanted to wait after the wedding to do so, but it is looking real soon-ish, and the person who is designing our dresses are going to be pissed. Ugh let me shoot him a text real quick." Nala said.

Club Deja
Everyone sat for the weekly meetings "so I have been hearing a lot of talk about a new nigga on the streets. As a matter of fact it's two of these mutha fuckas that's trying to move in on my shit. Y'all know what needs to be done. Look after I get married in December I am stepping down from this shit. I just wanna make sure my niggas are straight before I step down. That means keep stacking yo fucking money and don't spend it on bullshit. Y'all are some talented mutha fuckas y'all can open y'all own business if y'all want to. See I have been trying to give y'all a way out Wes ass got gone and opened his on business. Y'all can do the same too, but until then we are going to push this work and make sure that our block stay ours until December 20th. After that I gives no fucks. Please try not to kill anyone" he said looking at K.O.

"Really Chris I am hurt that you would even think I would do some shit like that. When the last time you heard about me lightning a nigga up?" He asked Christian; he thought long and hard and it really has been a minute. "Let's keep it that way well imma wrap this shit up because I got a family to go home to, so see y'all niggas later."

Nala and Christian's Home
Nala was cooking stuffed shells when Christian walked in the house. "Baby you always have my house smelling good. Where are the kids it's quiet?" He asked. "Well my parents decided to take them for the weekend" Nala said with a smile on her face. Christian looked her up and down something looks different about Nala he just couldn't point it out. "Something is different I feel it baby are you pregnant?" Nala turned around and said "damn Chris I was trying to do something special and tell you since the first one was ruined." "Baby I am sorry" he said kissing her neck, "but you are pregnant." He said scooping her up and planting kisses all over her. She hugged him tightly and kissed him passionately. A tear fell from her cheek he wiped it away and kissed her again.

"Baby you have made me the happiest man yet again. I cannot wait to marry you in six months." Christian said kissing her again, "and we have plenty to celebrate tonight. Do your parents know?" Christian asked raising his eyebrows at her. "No, baby no one knows but Carma, and before you go start doing that extra shit she wanted me to test with her because she had a feeling she was pregnant. I just took one for moral support, and mine just so happen to come back positive too." "Too?" Christian said. "Yes, too! Carma is pregnant too!" Nala said with her hands on her hips.

Christian didn't know how to receive this information. He is happy for his boy, but he still wasn't feeling Carma like that, and he doesn't knows why his woman hangs with her. Carma is loud, ghetto, over the top, drama, three most.

Across the tracks
"Baby dinner is ready!" Brittany called from the kitchen. "Ok!" Joesph called from his office he had just got off the phone with one of his men Coby. Joesph couldn't wait to off Christian's ass he is ready for Atlanta streets to be his streets. He knew that his wife Brittany and Christian had a thing three years ago. That's when they met, that night changed both of their lives, and he knew exactly what he was doing when he targeted Brittany that night. See Joesph came down to Atlanta on business he's from Chicago, and he was looking to start his business elsewhere. He has been hearing Christian's name in everyone's mouth, so he had to pull up to Atlanta to see what all the noise was about.

Three years ago
Joesph was sitting in the back of Club Deja when he seen a beautiful brown skin girl walk up to Christian wagging her finger in his face. He couldn't make out what was being said because the music was blasting throughout the club. All he knows that she looks pissed. Joesph decided to follow after once he seen her leaving the club. "Aye ma wassgud?" Joesph said to Brittany. She turned around with an attitude, she was about to snap on whoever it was, but this 6'4 mocha man caught her attention. When he smile Brittany soaked her panties a little bit. "Nothing I am headed home." "The night still young you mind if I take you somewhere to eat?" She looked him up and down deciding if she wanted to roll with a complete stranger.

"What the hell" she said "I will follow you, you pick the place." Joesph told her ten minutes later they pulled up to Mary Mac's the best soul food place in town, well at least to Brittany it was. Once inside they order their food. "You looked pretty upset leaving the club you good?" He asked her concerned but not really concerned. He wanted information on Christian. "Yea, tonight I realized that I wasted my time on a fuck nigga. Three years I put up with him treating me like I was a side piece. The bitches playing on my phone, him playing in my face, and me being his ride or die." She said without breaking eye contact. That last part pique Joesph's interest "ride or die?" He said confused. She shook her head and her eyes got wide when she realized what she just said. "Nothing, it's nothing just being a loyal girlfriend to a ain't shit nigga." She replied! He knew he wasn't going to get anything out of her tonight, so he devised a plan. He is going to get to know her, and then eventually she will tell him what he needs to know.

Present Day
"Baby this food is bomb, and I am glad that I convinced you to move back to Atlanta." Joesph said pecking her on the lips. To this day she still doesn't know that Joesph wants Christian dead. He really do loves Brittany and their son, and he wants nothing more but keep giving her the best. See what he loves about Brittany is that she is a go getter. He told her to stop working and she still opened up three salons in Chicago, and she is about to open up her first one in Atlanta. He is proud of his wife and loves showing her off because she is his ride or die. She knows what Joesph does and she really doesn't care as long as he doesn't bring that shit home.

It's time to FUCK some SHIT UP in Atlanta! Joesph said to Brittany all she did was smile and had this thought in the back of her head "what if I run into Chris, and he wants me back?" She bit her bottom lip and walked into her office. She has a bad feeling about moving back.

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