Turn Up!

318 14 5

July 4, 2020
Christian pulled up to the Sugar Factory where Khyla was waiting on him. She was tapping her acrylic nails on the table looking down at her Apple Watch. When she looked up Christian was standing over her just eyeing everything from head to toe. "Um excuse you, you can sit down now" she said with a slight attitude.

"Hey to you too Ky!" Christian said with a smile "don't call me that Chris!" He just nod his head and looked down at the menu. "Look Wes told me that he told you I was still alive and I wish he hadn't, but I see that you still with Nala, so you are completely over me. I hope we can become friends again it took me a long ass time to get over you, and I am happy with Kam. I hope you can respect that and us!"

Christian just looked up at her and said "of course I respect y'all Kameron and I squashed our beef a long time ago. You good Mariah and don't worry I wouldn't mess up what y'all got going on at all I wish you all the best and congrats on your new bundle of joy." Christian said looking down at her swollen belly.

She looked down and gave Christian a weak smile "thanks Chris." Christian tried to play like he didn't see it by offering her, Kameron, and the kids to the house for the 4th. She told him she would ask Kameron, Christian got up put $50 on the table and left.

Nala's & Christian house
Nala, her mom, and Christian mom was in the kitchen burning down while Christian dad, Nala's dad, and brothers were outside grilling and watching the kids. "Baaabbbbeee something smells amazing" he said as he walked in the kitchen "thanks baby!" Nala and Christian's mom said at the same time. Christian kissed his mom and then Nala "hey Mrs. Jones" "hey Christian" she said with a smile "baby I need to talk to you for a second." She looked up and seen how serious Christian face was, so she followed him into their bedroom. "Is everything ok baby?" "Yea, so I fully didn't tell you the truth about who I was meeting today. Look don't be mad just hear me out, so Mariah reached out to me last month asking to talk. I told her we can talk well I went to talk to her today. She thinks I still love and want her, but she said that she clearly see that I have moved on."

Nala sat there with her hands on her hips looking Christian up and down as if she was trying to find something out of place on him. "Baby didn't nothing happen we went to the Sugar Factory" as soon as those words came out his mouth he knew he fucked up. Nala has been wanting to go to the Sugar Factory since she had the twins, but Christian claims to be busy. "Look baby she picked the location!" "You got an answer for everything huh Chris? Well I am glad you got your talk." Nala turned to walk away, but Christian grabbed her by her waist.

"Christian stop!" He started kissing her neck and playing with her pussy. "Chhhrrriisss, baby mmmmm" Nala closed her eyes and let her adrenaline take over. Christian walked her over to the bed and laid her down, he kissed every inch of her body which made her body quiver. Christian was met face to face with Nala's wet lips, he kissed them so sweet and gently. He stuck his tongue out and licked it she shivered as she pushed his head deeper.

Nala was trying her hardest not to moan because she knew they had family downstairs, but Christian gave no fucks about his mama, her mama, or her daddy begin downstairs Christian started doing that trick that drove Nala crazy, her eyes got wide and she started shaking her head no, but it was too late he hit her spot. "Ffffuuuck Chris, please baby OMG!" Nala started riding Christian's face and she felt herself about to squirt. Christian was shaking his head yes and she squirted all over his face. He slid his dick into her and began slow stroking Nala.

"You know I love yo ass right?" Christian asked her. "Yes, I know you love me baby I love you too" Nala responded giving him a deep passionate kiss. "Nala you feel so fucking good you know that? FUUUCCCKKK! You are about to make me cuuummm!" They both came and did round two in the shower.

When they went back downstairs Wes and his girlfriend Carma was downstairs "sup Wes you good my nigga?" "Yea I am good Ky told me y'all talked today, you good?" Wes asked. "Yea I am good" Trap and Nieva came in with their baby Journey, and as soon as Nieva mama saw her she started cursing "Nieva why the hell you got my grand baby out here with this corona shit going around?" "Ma! Chill we are about to be in this house, so you ain't got nothing to worry about." Nala took her niece and her sister into the spare room and got them settled. She told her sister she will check on them in an hour. "Uncalled for ma!" "Whatever I am about to go sit down" Shirley walked out the kitchen and sat on the couch.

Nala went outside to see what the kids were doing some were in the pool, some were hooping, and some were on the trampoline. She saw Dub, and his kids, and wife. Henry and her dad, K.O. and his wife Sunshine, and their kids as well. She walked back inside and watched Trap, Christian, Kameron, and Wesley play spades and talking shit. "Just hand me my book nigga I told yo ass I was fye in this game. You know that shit Wes we use to take people money during lunch." Christian slammed a 10 of spades on the table, Wes threw out a 3 of spades, Trap threw out 5 of spades, and Kameron threw out 4 of spades. "Like I said run me my books nigga" Christian slammed another card down and when Nala looked up she caught Khyla looking at her.

Nala had no beef with the girl, but she doesn't fuck with her either. "Hey look I want to apologize again for what I did." Khyla said "it's all good Mariah.... I mean Khyla. I have moved passed that a year ago, so when are you due?" Nala asked looking down at her belly "in August!" "Well congrats to you where is Riyah and KJ?" Nala asked "they are with my mom I didn't want to bring them around all of these people."  "Trust me I get it if I can keep Tay and the twins away I would, but this is their house so you know how that goes." "Yea I guess so" Nala can feel the tension between them, but it is more so on Khyla's part. She did not care to know why either, Nala just walked off and let her have her little moment. She did not feel like whooping a bitch ass today. "Look friend just say the word and I will whoop that hoe myself" Carma said to her.

"Nah, I don't need Shirley cursing us out and I damn sho don't need Chris down my damn throat about that hoe. I think she still wants him and she is about to be your sister-in-law." "Look I give two fucks about that hoe she is trying to turn Wes against you, but Wes ain't falling for that. He knows his sister still loves Chris, but he knows that Chris loves you so he ain't sweating it." Once the food was done they blessed the food and continued to have a good time.

One by one everyone started to leave except Christian homeboys, Kameron and Khyla, and Nala homegirls. Nala just put the kids to sleep when she heard Christian say "get the fuck off me Ky" "Christian you can't tell me you don't miss me." Nala stood outside the bathroom door because she wants to see how this is going to play out.

In the bathroom
"Get the fuck off me Ky" "Christian you can't tell me that you don't miss me." She said rubbing on his dick "Ky get off me I love Nala, and I am going to marry that woman. Just because you are unhappy doesn't mean a damn thang to me." "When I saw you walk into the Sugar Factory today you did something to me, you made her soak and wet. I wanna feel you in me again. Man. Christian you sure do know how to fuck. Nala is one lucky ass woman." Khyla said unzipping Christian's pants "you damn right she is I make her squirt every fucking time I am hitting that good pussy. She stay wet and ready to go, she is the only one who get my dick hard and stay hard, she knows how to make a nigga come and she sucks my dick so good she makes my fucking toes ball up."

"So you telling me I can't get yo dick hard?" " Ky you been rubbing my dick for 10 minutes and I am not hard yet." Nala bust in when she heard that "BITCH IF I WAS YOU I WOULD LEAVE LIKE RIGHT MUTHA FUCKIN NOW!" Khyla jumped when she heard Nala's voice "Christian get off me!" She said pushing him. "Bitch please I heard and recorded EVERYTHING!" By this time everyone was walking to the bathroom. When Kameron saw them in the bathroom he said "what the fuck is going on?" Nala played the recording back over.

Kameron's eyes grew wide and anger came across his face. "I always knew you were a hoe; I just needed the proof so you won't get alimony. I tested KJ and found out he ain't mines. Is this baby mines?" Khyla had tears in her eyes. "Save the tears for someone who gives a fuck because I don't I'll catch you later Chris." Kameron walked out the bathroom leaving Khyla in tears "I suggest you leave too hoe." Khyla walked out the bathroom and out of the house. Everyone just stood there looking at Christian "ight it ain't nothing to see here y'all can go back to what y'all was doing." Everyone walked out except for Nala and Christian. "Baby I....." "you don't have to explain baby. I trust you so no need to explain." Nala said to him Christian kissed Nala and the next thing you know they are fucking in the bathroom and this time everyone heard them. They didn't care they can leave if they didn't want to hear them.

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