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"Fuck. She's fucking gone." Draco stood still with his fists clenched hard against his sides, but then he suddenly yelled in anger, picking up the closest thing to him and throwing it against the wall, consequently shattering the small bottle.

"Wha- What's going on? Who's gone?" Theodore was obviously confused. "Malfoy?" Draco was bending down to touch something on the ground, something that had scattered along with the broken glass pieces. 

"How could I be so stupid. I fucking should have known," Draco muttered, mostly to himself. 

"Known what? Malfoy could you please tell me what the hell is-" Theodore was cut off by Draco forcefully shoving a piece of paper into his hands. Theodore looked down to examine it, confused. 

"We need to tell Headmistress or someone," Draco muttered with clear urgency as he practically ran out of the room.

Theodore read the piece of paper out loud. "Sleeping Draught? Malfoy what is-" Theodore looked up to see Draco disappearing out of the doors. "Malfoy?" Theodore quickly ran after him. "Malfoy, what's going on?" Theodore was out of breath by the time he caught up with the now practically sprinting Draco. 

"I'm not completely sure, but I've got a pretty damn good idea of what's going on," Draco stated. Theodore was still very clearly confused. 

"So, then what's-" Theodore cut himself off as he rammed into someone coming around the corner. 

"What the hell." Theodore glanced up to see Pansy standing in front of him. 

"Oh, Pansy I'm sor-" Theodore was cut off once again by Draco.

"I think Weasel took her." Draco grabbed the piece of crumpled paper from Theodore's hands and shoved it towards Pansy and Madam Pomfrey. She and Madam Pomfrey looked down at the paper. Pansy shook her head confused. 

"But Madam Pomfrey-"

"Polyjuice Potion," Draco answered shortly without waiting for the full question. Pansy and Madam Pomfrey's eyes both widened. 

"Oh god! Of course! How could I be so stupid?" Pansy exclaimed as she gripped her hair, practically pulling it out of her head. 

"Now is not the time to be panicking Ms. Parkinson. We need to find Ms. Granger and whoever took her before they get too far." Madam Pomfrey turned to Draco. "Mr. Malfoy, could you tell me why you think it's Mr. Weasley? Wasn't he supposed to be gone for all of Winter break?" 

Draco scratched his head, thinking. "I don't know, Madam Pomfrey. But I'm almost certain it was he who took her." Madam Pomfrey shook her head. 

"Alright, well we can figure this out later, can't we? Mr. Nott, go inform Headmistress McGonagall of the current situation. You two-" Madam Pomfrey waved one of her hands at Pansy and Draco as she pulled out her wand. "-come with me." Pansy and Draco glanced at each other, but neither hesitated to follow Madam Pomfrey as she quickly strode down the corridors towards the hospital wing. 

"Mr. Malfoy, you didn't see the intruder escape, did you?" Madam Pomfrey asked. Draco shook his head, and then quickly answered vocally as he realized the nurse couldn't see him as he was  behind her. 

The three quickly reached the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey strode inside and went to Hermione's still-messy bed. She glanced at the broken glass on the ground, but ultimately seemed to deem it unimportant. She turned back towards the bed. "The window's open," Madam Pomfrey stated simply, turning to Draco.

"It was open when Theodore and I came back here. I think it's safe to assume they escaped through it," Draco told her. Madam Pomfrey nodded in reply. 

"Alright, that means we'll start the search outside. The Headmistress will be able to help set up ways to keep the intruder from leaving with Ms. Granger. We'll just have to hope they aren't gone already." Draco and Pansy both swallowed hard at the thought. Ron didn't seem capable of too much to either of them, but then again, neither of the two would have ever thought he was capable of both verbal and physical abuse, and to Hermione, no less. 

Eventually, the trio found their way outside. There, they met Theodore and the Headmistress. 

"I've already set up some walls around specific exits to try to keep them in here with us. I would do more, but I'm afraid my powers are unable to cover the entirety of the school. However, I've already contacted many other teachers who will assist in helping if they can," McGonagall informed everyone. 

"Should we spread out or what?" Pansy asked. She was clearly getting more and more anxious as time went on. 

Headmistress McGonagall sighed heavily. "I believe that would be our very best bet. Just please, everybody be careful. We still can't be absolutely sure of who this intruder is or what they're capable of." 

However, right as the group began to split up, Professor Highmore, the new DADA teacher, came sprinting out of the building. 

"Headmistress! Headmistress!" Professor Highmore was yelling, clearly panicked. 

"Celestine, Celestine. Calm down, please. What is it?" McGonagall asked as Highmore met them, catching her breath. 

"One of my students-" she cut herself off as she gasped for more air. She tried to take a few seconds to compose herself. After a minute, Mcgonagall spoke.

"Yes, and what about your student?" McGonagall asked, getting impatient. 

"He overheard my conversation with you about the missing girl. He said he saw Madam Pomfrey carrying her out of the Hospital wing and down one of the corridors only to quickly disappear," Highmore stated, still panting.

Pansy, Draco, Theodore, and even Madam Pomfrey all widened their eyes. 

"Then that means-" Pansy started but paused. Seeming to put pieces together in her head. She and Draco locked eyes. 

"They're probably still in the building!" they exclaimed in unison.

Author's Note

Hi everyone. I'm so absolutely sorry that I don't update often. I've been struggling with my mental health a bit more than usual, and now with everything going on in the world, everything has been stressful. I will try harder. I promise. Kiss kiss. 

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