"Wait!" Mr. Thomas called. He stood in the doorway, half blocking the passage, so a few students were still left out.

What again? I was 100 percent late to the other class I had right now and needed to take care of something red. It had better be a fast matter. I turned around and replied, "Yes sir?"

"I think you've got a situation behind you." He pointed at me, looking down and scratching his neck, probably abashed by what he had seen.

The few people who hadn't gotten inside yet were laughing and giggling loudly, especially the girls. Dumb! What happened to the girl code? I hate everyone here.

"Uhhm, yeah I know. I uhh. . . will be going now. Sorry." I stumbled away, face heating up in distress.

Mr. Thomas had seen too. And some dumb people were witness to that. Arrghhh! If there was any other word stronger than hate, recommend it because I more than hate Katharina, this school, everyone in it and infact the whole world!

Trying to hide that hideous stain with my backpack— it wasn't an easy task by the way— I rushed to the bathroom.

Going to the washbasin, I lathered some soap onto the place the horrible smear was on my skirt. Thank goodness the dress I wore today was made of cotton because the stain finally disappeared, after some frantic washing out.

Phew! I sighed and breathed in deeply, holding the sides of the enameled sink. It had become my pasttime; sighing.

Glancing at myself in the mirror, I saw that I looked horrible and disturbed, my cheeks very pale. Who wouldn't? I decided to splash some cold water on my face to cool off. The chilling sensation of the freezing water calmed me down a little bit.

When would all these end? I thought as I went out of the restroom and for my next lesson.

No time soon, good mind whispered sadly.

I guess so, I said back in a sad manner too. Awesome. I had turned over to conversing with my mind. Oh, the wonderful things bullying did to a person.

I made my way into the class. Physics. Some of my classmates from Geography class snickered. I took no notice of them.

"Where are you coming from? Don't you know you're like. . ." Mr. Hammond checked the clock to prove his point.

". . . 10 minutes late?" he asked condescendly, bushy eyebrows drawn together in a frown.

"So sorry sir, but I had a situation," I uttered, hoping he would take my explanation and not ask any other questions.

"I see." He stroked his beard. "Whatever that situation was, I don't care. Just sit down and bring out your books." Thank God. I had been let out of the hook easily because of how uncaring our teachers were. Bravo! Penfield High teachers. Your earnest work towards guiding us, young ones, is very much appreciated. Not.

Going to my seat, I cross-checked it extremely well before sitting down. As the saying goes, once bitten twice shy and I wasn't about to be bitten again.

My lessons continued uninterrupted by any other pranks, thanks be to God for that.

Regrettably, the sun decided to smile at us once more, so the wish I had made for sports to be canceled wasn't granted. Which in other words means we all had to go to the field.

Why can't anything actually go my way? I thought, irritated at everyone and everything as I put on my sports outfit. Ughhhhh!! I hate Mondays!


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